Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 - ZSM7 Management and Monitoring Service
Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 - ZSM7 Tiered Electronic Distribution (TED)
1 June 2011 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 7
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
24 May 2010 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 4
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7004578 - %% in policy script not working
TID 7004577 - ZSM 7 TED component not running on NetWare 5.1
TID 7005503 - Traps not received from 64 bit SLES machines
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
Bug 484216 ZFS crashes by running a complex script
17 June 2009 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
This patch adds support for:
1. OES 2 SP1 NetWare
2. OES 2 SP1 Linux, including 64-bit (except Imaging on 64-bit)
3. eDirectory 8.8.4
4. NetWare 6.5 SP8
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7000838 - EDIR.MIB alarms are not compiling usable parameters, causing empty, blank, or useless alarms (Summary information)
TID 7002501 - No switch summary displayed after the switch was successfully discovered
TID 7002851 - Distributed Server Package "text file modification" deletes carriage returns
TID 3577836 - ZSM encountering an issue in the NJCLV2.JAR
TID 3925542 - Cannot add subscribers to Subscriber Distribution View since upgrading to iManager 2.6 SP4
TID 3445760 - ZFSVERSION.NCF is not displaying the installed version
TID 3818463 - TED package not extracted
Fixes (TID pending):
When enabling “Distribute Always” on a directory copy inside an application, ZSM fails to gather
Fixes carried over from ZSM7SP1IR1HP2a:
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=fY3x4Jklbv0~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
Fixes (TID Pending):
Bug 621198 Gather Process on Distributor is crashing the service
Bug 621198 Gather Process on Distributor is crashing the service
24 May 2010 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 4
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=_wYiDPEHepY~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7007362 - ZSM Applications will not gather correctly after upgrade from Netware to Linux
18 February 2010 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 3
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=Tpy-8Pjhw6w~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
23 November 2009 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 2
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=p-o6dIkdCF4~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7004578 - %% in policy script not working
TID 7004577 - ZSM 7 TED component not running on NetWare 5.1
TID 7005503 - Traps not received from 64 bit SLES machines
21 September 2009 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 1
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=mnFnho3RmYg~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7004499 - Tiered Distribution View in iManager not showing subscribers after upgrading to ZSM7sp1ir4
Fixes (TID Pending):Bug 484216 ZFS crashes by running a complex script
17 June 2009 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 4
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=NxNjY04fISs~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7001426 - ZSM 7 SP1 ir3 hp3 Variables in Pre or Post scripts fail with 'ERROR - Failed processing software package'
TID 7003632 - DBSRV8 memory leak until the server abends on MMS site server.
TID 7003571 - iManager Subscriber information shows manual jobs not extracted
TID 7002704 - ZSM 7 Inv conversion of SLES 10 SP2 error: 'Number of Tokens in the zip file is mismatching'
Fixes (TID Pending):
TID 7003571 - iManager Subscriber information shows manual jobs not extracted
TID 7002704 - ZSM 7 Inv conversion of SLES 10 SP2 error: 'Number of Tokens in the zip file is mismatching'
Fixes (TID Pending):
java running on Netware server is in loop, causing zenworks console in Netware to hang.
ABEND when trying to deploy ZSM7SP1IR3aHP2 CPK
ABEND when trying to deploy ZSM7SP1IR3aHP2 CPK
10 February 2009 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 3a Hot Patch 3
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=DrmjuE3cs2g~ |
This patch adds support for:
1. OES 2 SP1 NetWare
2. OES 2 SP1 Linux, including 64-bit (except Imaging on 64-bit)
3. eDirectory 8.8.4
4. NetWare 6.5 SP8
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 7000838 - EDIR.MIB alarms are not compiling usable parameters, causing empty, blank, or useless alarms (Summary information)
TID 7002501 - No switch summary displayed after the switch was successfully discovered
TID 7002851 - Distributed Server Package "text file modification" deletes carriage returns
Fixes (TID pending):
ZSM TED Distribution Post script initiates soft Abend
Fixes (TID pending) carried forward from ZSM7SP1IR3aHP2:
Site List doesn't get updated if an additional subscriber was added
Fixes carried forward from ZSM7SP1IR3aHP1:
Fixes (TID pending) carried forward from ZSM7SP1IR3aHP2:
Site List doesn't get updated if an additional subscriber was added
Fixes carried forward from ZSM7SP1IR3aHP1:
TID 7001047 - Java processes hang building distribution on NetWare 6.5 SP7
TID 3416505 - After distributing an application, app:association trustees have been removed
TID 7000490 - ZSM Remote Web Console with iManager 2.7 snapins does not work if iManager runs on OES2
TID 7000392 - Distributions fail after moving distributions from a NetWare to an OES Linux Distributor
TID 7000767 - Management and Monitoring Services Atlas shows bridges and switches as nodes
TID 7001503 - TED.log shows Gather stopped with unknown error
TID 7001464 - Changing the password for the ZSM7SP1 Sybase database
TID 7001485 - ZSM 7 IR3A CPK upgrade is not copying files to the proper locations
TID 7001484 - MMS Health Reports cache buffer % shows negative numbers
TID 7001051 - ZSM Runs Out of Memory
TID 7001506 - ZSM 7 sp1 IR 3a - Patch has conflicts with ZDM jar files
TID 7001507 - iManager plugins will not install over previous version
TID 7000684 - Zenworks Server Management service on subscriber stops randomly
TID 7000690 - Unable to view the details of a distribution sent to a OES2 server from iManager
TID 3416505 - After distributing an application, app:association trustees have been removed
TID 7000490 - ZSM Remote Web Console with iManager 2.7 snapins does not work if iManager runs on OES2
TID 7000392 - Distributions fail after moving distributions from a NetWare to an OES Linux Distributor
TID 7000767 - Management and Monitoring Services Atlas shows bridges and switches as nodes
TID 7001503 - TED.log shows Gather stopped with unknown error
TID 7001464 - Changing the password for the ZSM7SP1 Sybase database
TID 7001485 - ZSM 7 IR3A CPK upgrade is not copying files to the proper locations
TID 7001484 - MMS Health Reports cache buffer % shows negative numbers
TID 7001051 - ZSM Runs Out of Memory
TID 7001506 - ZSM 7 sp1 IR 3a - Patch has conflicts with ZDM jar files
TID 7001507 - iManager plugins will not install over previous version
TID 7000684 - Zenworks Server Management service on subscriber stops randomly
TID 7000690 - Unable to view the details of a distribution sent to a OES2 server from iManager
Fixes (TID Pending) carried forward from ZSM7SP1IR3aHP1:
Inventory scanner on NetWare reports the wrong disk size
Unable to generate ephemeral keypairs... no encrypted distribution support possible.
The Inventory agent CPK from ZSM7 SP1 IR3a includes outdated files
Inventory scanner on NetWare reports the wrong disk size
Unable to generate ephemeral keypairs... no encrypted distribution support possible.
The Inventory agent CPK from ZSM7 SP1 IR3a includes outdated files
16 May 2008 - Novell ZENworks Server Management 7 SP1 Interim Release 3a
This patch can be obtained from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=ZpOnQ7gvaUw~ |
Obtaining this patch will require you to authenticate through your Novell Login account - it is in your interest to ensure that this account is associated to a valid email address, in case Novell needs to contact you with news about this patch.
TID 3577836 - ZSM encountering an issue in the NJCLV2.JAR
TID 3925542 - Cannot add subscribers to Subscriber Distribution View since upgrading to iManager 2.6 SP4
TID 3445760 - ZFSVERSION.NCF is not displaying the installed version
TID 3818463 - TED package not extracted
Fixes (TID pending):
When enabling “Distribute Always” on a directory copy inside an application, ZSM fails to gather
Fixes carried over from ZSM7SP1IR1HP2a:
TID 3672162 - TED_PATH variable is incorrect on Linux systems
TID 3769112 - iManager shows ZSM7 as being in evaluation mode when it is not
TID 3993555 - Active Distributions are being cleaned up on end-node Subscribers
TID 3242499 - Advanced trending agent is not working on OES
TID 3646749 - Synchronize Directory deletes the Target Directory if the Source Directory is not available
TID 3769112 - iManager shows ZSM7 as being in evaluation mode when it is not
TID 3993555 - Active Distributions are being cleaned up on end-node Subscribers
TID 3242499 - Advanced trending agent is not working on OES
TID 3646749 - Synchronize Directory deletes the Target Directory if the Source Directory is not available
TID 3000163 - "keep same source path" option not setting file rights on NAL/TED distributions
TID 3004256 - Switches that can be used with zsm7updt.nlm
TID 3006217 - Does the DEST_VOLUME variable support NSS volumes?
TID 3091275 - ZEN inventory parses through all volumes
TID 3097260 - External Subscribers report as "Orphaned Agents" when they receive distributions
TID 3132952 - ZEN7sp1 Inventory report exported to an XML format results in corrupted file
TID 3142804 - Automated Inventory Data export via DBEXPORT.NCF
TID 3167897 - Distributor stops processing due to hung java threads
TID 3193227 - Overwrite existing target folder attributes is checked by default
TID 3220286 - Wrong target folder structure using Keep Same Source Path in App. distribution
TID 3223409 - ZSM logs missing information
TID 3243481 - Using "Properties of Multiple Objects" removes the Parent Subscriber settings
TID 3254455 - Health Report truncates some columns when it is printed
TID 3279885 - Cannot load ZSM7SP1 Server Management Agent on Netware 6
TID 3288420 - Abend in MPKSCAN.NLM free_swinfo with Groupwise XIS10.NLM loaded
TID 3400705 - All subscribers become active if changes to channel are made.
TID 3461359 - email notification sending informational messages when email logging set to level 1 (errors only)
TID 3513860 - Full Inventory scan fails on HP xw4300 workstations
TID 3653406 - ABEND during install of ZSMsp1 cpk on subscriber
TID 3663591 - MPKSCAN.NLM is causing NetWare server to abend
TID 3675911 - HOSTMIB.NLM is abending server after applying Support Pack 1
TID 3683349 - Some Japanese words are written vertically in ZENworks Inventory
TID 3689729 - Database reporting shows successful distributions as failed
TID 3712400 - ConsoleOne hangs Resolving Certificates to an external OES Linux subscriber
TID 3730134 - "Stopped distribution from unknown distributor due to mismatch in route”
TID 3771196 - Cleanup for zfs-startup.log does not work as described
TID 3790304 - Certificate problem due to case sensitive dns check
TID 3817156 - Distributed Server Package does not deploy
TID 3827504 - Facilitator fails to load after updating to SP1
TID 3830722 - Storer process unable to insert workstation information into the Sybase Database
TID 3946108 - Page fault on MPKSCAN.NLM
TID 3979399 - Unable to edit ZSM server power down options in ConsoleOne
TID 3004256 - Switches that can be used with zsm7updt.nlm
TID 3006217 - Does the DEST_VOLUME variable support NSS volumes?
TID 3091275 - ZEN inventory parses through all volumes
TID 3097260 - External Subscribers report as "Orphaned Agents" when they receive distributions
TID 3132952 - ZEN7sp1 Inventory report exported to an XML format results in corrupted file
TID 3142804 - Automated Inventory Data export via DBEXPORT.NCF
TID 3167897 - Distributor stops processing due to hung java threads
TID 3193227 - Overwrite existing target folder attributes is checked by default
TID 3220286 - Wrong target folder structure using Keep Same Source Path in App. distribution
TID 3223409 - ZSM logs missing information
TID 3243481 - Using "Properties of Multiple Objects" removes the Parent Subscriber settings
TID 3254455 - Health Report truncates some columns when it is printed
TID 3279885 - Cannot load ZSM7SP1 Server Management Agent on Netware 6
TID 3288420 - Abend in MPKSCAN.NLM free_swinfo with Groupwise XIS10.NLM loaded
TID 3400705 - All subscribers become active if changes to channel are made.
TID 3461359 - email notification sending informational messages when email logging set to level 1 (errors only)
TID 3513860 - Full Inventory scan fails on HP xw4300 workstations
TID 3653406 - ABEND during install of ZSMsp1 cpk on subscriber
TID 3663591 - MPKSCAN.NLM is causing NetWare server to abend
TID 3675911 - HOSTMIB.NLM is abending server after applying Support Pack 1
TID 3683349 - Some Japanese words are written vertically in ZENworks Inventory
TID 3689729 - Database reporting shows successful distributions as failed
TID 3712400 - ConsoleOne hangs Resolving Certificates to an external OES Linux subscriber
TID 3730134 - "Stopped distribution from unknown distributor due to mismatch in route”
TID 3771196 - Cleanup for zfs-startup.log does not work as described
TID 3790304 - Certificate problem due to case sensitive dns check
TID 3817156 - Distributed Server Package does not deploy
TID 3827504 - Facilitator fails to load after updating to SP1
TID 3830722 - Storer process unable to insert workstation information into the Sybase Database
TID 3946108 - Page fault on MPKSCAN.NLM
TID 3979399 - Unable to edit ZSM server power down options in ConsoleOne
TID 3783568 - Distributions fail if an Output rates are populated with values
TID 3726681 - SOURCE_PATH macro not modified on MSI application Distributions
TID 3964888 - TED NAL Distribution removes filename from Run Path of Distributed Application
TID 3021901 - ERROR: 1851 "port in use" on citrix/terminal server for additional remote administrators
TID 3351224 - Unable to use variable in changing the ZFS prompt
TID 3449600 - Cannot set permanent prompt for Distributor
TID 3652254 - Num Lock turns off whenever workstation is Remote Controlled
TID 3485381 - Advanced Query for Custom attributes does not work in German environment
TID 3602293 - Inventory query field Inventory Last Scan Date is not updated automatically
TID 3738272 - Trending - gaps in data for File System Reads/Writes
TID 3079934 - ZENworks Inventory reports unknown processor type for Intel core 2 Duo
TID 3021901 - ERROR: 1851 "port in use" on citrix/terminal server for additional remote administrators
TID 3351224 - Unable to use variable in changing the ZFS prompt
TID 3449600 - Cannot set permanent prompt for Distributor
TID 3652254 - Num Lock turns off whenever workstation is Remote Controlled
TID 3485381 - Advanced Query for Custom attributes does not work in German environment
TID 3602293 - Inventory query field Inventory Last Scan Date is not updated automatically
TID 3738272 - Trending - gaps in data for File System Reads/Writes
TID 3079934 - ZENworks Inventory reports unknown processor type for Intel core 2 Duo
TID 3243483 - Unhandled exception during ZSM distribution
TID 3836490 - TED Distributions Fail with Java Exception
TID 3151119 - Hardware Inventory fails on Dell PE 2900 and 2950
TID 3836490 - TED Distributions Fail with Java Exception
TID 3151119 - Hardware Inventory fails on Dell PE 2900 and 2950
14 July 2006- Novell ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1, available at https://download.novell.com/
This is an "overlay" install, which can be used to upgrade from ZENworks 7, to install ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 in a new environment, or to upgrade to ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 from specified earlier versions of ZENworks. See the ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 documentation at https://www.novell.com/documentationfor details.
TID 10100277- TED is deleting the working directory
TID 3023166- Too many email notifications when sending Distributed Server Package
TID 3000677- Distributor hangs when unable to determine channel expiration
TID 3140699- NAL TED Distribution fails to distribute App Folder attributes from golden application
TID 3760414- ERROR: "ERROR - Services error reading file system attributes for..."
TID 10100028- Alarm color icon is not cleared from the Atlas Map when you handle the alarm
TID 3001824- Bindery Context on the NetWare Server is set during ZSM TED process and not reset when done
TID 10098719- PingServer Alarm does not forward SNMP traps
TID 3001974- Variables do not get resolved in schedule load/unload policy in Novell ZENworks Server Management
TID 10099458- Distributor Generates a as its IP address
TID 3273902- Default setting for SNMP Authentication is Custom instead of Global
TID 3780373- Distributed Policy Package scripts are re-executed
TID 3132910- CPK install of ZSM Hotpatch3 gives an error trying to load regupdt
TID 10101033- File distributions create new revisions, even without changed files
TID 10094222- Distfile.ted gets corrupt and is renamed to corrupt.ted
TID 3678107- The launch script is not removed with a distributed application
TID 3653445- ERROR: Exception: java.lang.Exception: Unable to copy the file
TID 10100585- Error: (Error -627) An attempt was made to delete the naming property. Rename the object, then delete the naming property.. Look in subscriber log file for more details
TID 3382104- ERROR: Exception: Digests are different... distribution may have been tampered with
TID 3023166- Too many email notifications when sending Distributed Server Package
TID 3000677- Distributor hangs when unable to determine channel expiration
TID 3140699- NAL TED Distribution fails to distribute App Folder attributes from golden application
TID 3760414- ERROR: "ERROR - Services error reading file system attributes for..."
TID 10100028- Alarm color icon is not cleared from the Atlas Map when you handle the alarm
TID 3001824- Bindery Context on the NetWare Server is set during ZSM TED process and not reset when done
TID 10098719- PingServer Alarm does not forward SNMP traps
TID 3001974- Variables do not get resolved in schedule load/unload policy in Novell ZENworks Server Management
TID 10099458- Distributor Generates a as its IP address
TID 3273902- Default setting for SNMP Authentication is Custom instead of Global
TID 3780373- Distributed Policy Package scripts are re-executed
TID 3132910- CPK install of ZSM Hotpatch3 gives an error trying to load regupdt
TID 10101033- File distributions create new revisions, even without changed files
TID 10094222- Distfile.ted gets corrupt and is renamed to corrupt.ted
TID 3678107- The launch script is not removed with a distributed application
TID 3653445- ERROR: Exception: java.lang.Exception: Unable to copy the file
TID 10100585- Error: (Error -627) An attempt was made to delete the naming property. Rename the object, then delete the naming property.. Look in subscriber log file for more details
TID 3382104- ERROR: Exception: Digests are different... distribution may have been tampered with
Additional Information
Formerly known as KB 10097369.