Note: rtrletversion = 7.0.0052 SP1 Interim Release 15 (1-8-2008). The other binaries have build number = 52
TID 3653529 - Client will not initially scan when installed on Windows NT machines
TID 3921448 - Read Only auxiliary files are not collected
TID 3874941 - 64 bit Client does not install properly
TID 3539038 - 64 bit Client does not send inventory info to the server
TID 3850770 - Australia locale not recognized by Web Console
TID 3035725 - Unable to save scheduled alerts
TID 3425587 - Collector crashes on machines with multiple monitors
TID 3935569 - Network Task in Australia is off by 1 hour
TID 3774086 - No error message for failed logins in Web Console
TID 3703013 - Custom report slow when asking for License Quantity
TID 3698266 - Recognize Windows Vista versions
TID 3957469 - Fujitsu system recognition added back
TID 3787975 - Adobe products recognition added back
TID3426982- Wildcard search not working after upgrade to IR10.
TID3623505- Msg.dll Heap Overflow Vulnerability in Task & Collection Server
TID3578235- Client Heap Overflow Vulnerability in Collection Client
TID3680450- Details: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state
TID3908370- Header too large in a Custom Report with multiple domains
- Added additional test for laptop batteries for Collection/Recognition.
TID 3194122 - Queries within Web Console Find pages/ Custom Reports are case sensitive
TID 3469585 - Severe client error encountered. No software or hardware recognition
TID 3616609 - Collection Server unavailable
TID 3712143 - Hungarian special characters breaking reports
TID 3251586 - Windows 2003 always identified as Windows 2003 R2
TID 3469585 - Severe client error encountered. No software or hardware recognition
TID 3177174 - ZAM, purchase date changes to 12/31/69 when adding product in "Purchase Record"
- Added Case sensitivity in Web Console Find page and Custom Report criteria on Oracle 10g installs. This feature is going to be controlled with a configuration switch in RtrSetup.xml. The case insensitivity will only exist if the parameter "CaseInsensitiveSearches" is set to"yes". See KB 3194122 for more information.
- Added Windows 2003 as a valid platform when adding local software
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Service Pack 1 Interim Release 9
TID3005351- Import list of IP addresses or subnets as input to the network discovery task from text file
TID3231224- Workstation found in both "Client found" and "Client not found" in Network Discovery report
TID3021447- Unable to view XML file of inventory scan
TID3005585- Cannot resolve collation conflict for UNION operation
TID3635591- After the collection client receives its needed updated files it returns back to an Invalid state
TID3967461- Search button missing after ZAM 7 patch 8 is applied
- Clients will no longer go invalid if no field applications are defined to run when requested to scan.
- More definable queries for workstation under Compliancy Reporting were added.
- Added processor count to database and reports.
- Added an operator that combines "contains" with "in list".
- Added fields to the software compliance custom reports.
- Added a new "in list" column to web console custom reports.
- Added ability to import list of subnets/IP ranges to scan.
- Import subnets to be scanned by Network Discovery. See details on how to use this feature in this TID3005351.
TID3007903- Web Console Reports are not fully localized.
TID3469585- Software scan is failing if a path length exceeds 260 characters.
TID3007473- MAC collector reports 0 MB disk space on Apple MAC OS X 10.4.6,2560,0,0
TID3288763- Software Files (Files Not Identified) won't load with UK date format.
TID3167508- Select list in criteria browser sorts incorrectly when using Oracle.
TID3289516- ZAM not recognizing NICs consistently.
- Support for longer product names and search patterns in PRU and merge was added.
- The inventory scan results can now be viewed on the local machine by opening the XML file (note: XML output must be specified in the Collection Option Set and the file format is unformatted XML).
- UNIX and Linux software products can be filtered out during the load process. See TID3584534.
- New Term License activation codes have been added.
- User-Defined-Fields (UDFs) and now shown on the detailed Workstation Report in the Web Console.
- Added discovery and reporting of laptop battery details. Reporting available in custom reports as component type - Other.
- The Find report now has an option to list software components (versus just workstations).
- Added the ability to allow evaluation licence code to be entered.
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Service Pack 1/Patch 7
TID 3571425 - Client error "Scan aborted due to severe collector error"
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Service Pack 1/Patch 6
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Service Pack 1/Patch 5
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Patch 4
TID 10099822 - ZAM Active Directory Import crashes the Task Server
TID 10099823 - Web Console report folders are blank
TID 10099824 - NW hardware detail is not showing in Wks Detail report
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Patch 3
TID 10099507 - Error message creating Local products via Web Console
TID 10099101 - XSL Transform or subsequent processing failed. The document has no pages
TID 10099303 - Error: "The data you requested is not available"
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Patch 2
TID 10099216 - Error: "The colw32.exe file is linked to missing export kernel32.dll:FindFirstFileExA"
Fixes in ZENworks 7 Asset Management Patch 1
1. Collector will now report CPU speed per the CPU ID results string when possible. This will result in newer laptops no longer reporting "running" speed and reporting the "advertised" speed that the system was sold as. This addresses laptops that change their CPU speeds to save power.
Software Scan
1. Modified promotion registry tests to be able to retrieve the
data value when the data is in the (Default) value name.
2. Fixed the retrieval of file names that contain a '%'
3. Added MUI recognition.
Web Console
1. Fixed problem found
with exclusion of collector created local software products coming
up with a platform of DOS.
2. Fixed a bug in the compliance report. It was failing when large
numbers of suites were present.
3. When custom reports are scheduled to go into storage, the data
is formatted prior to storing. This allows large
reports to be opened faster.
4. Fixed - On custom reports with more than 199 records, the header
was incorrectly reporting the number of records.
5. Fixed - Numeric data on PDF reports was not right-aligned in
some cases.
6. Added "additional SW Info" as an avaialble column on all
software custom reports.
1. Fixed a
problem with the Software Compliance portion of the PRU failing on
Oracle 10G. 0
Security AlertAdditional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10097778