How to Upgrade Retain (Masterpost)

  • 7019090
  • 03-Apr-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017


Retain 3.x


How do I upgrade Retain to the latest version?


Since you will be bringing down the server for the upgrade anyway, it is a good idea to see how well your system conforms to our Best Practices.

If you are already running Retain 3.x code upgrading is very easy, but first you should back up Retain.

Upgrade: Retain 3.x to Retain 3.x (Linux)
Upgrade: Retain 3.x to Retain 3.x (Windows)

Upgrading from previous versions of Retain

Upgrade: Retain 2.x to Retain 3.x (Linux)
Upgrade: Retain 2.x to Retain 3.x (Windows)

Moving Retain to a New Server

Moving Retain To New Server (Linux to Linux)
Moving Retain To New Server (Linux to Windows)
Moving Retain To New Server (Windows to Linux)
Moving Retain To New Server (Windows to Windows)

Upgrading MySQL

Moving MySQL Database to Another Server
MySQL Upgrade (Linux)
MySQL Upgrade (Windows)
How to Revert a Failed 2.x to 3.x Migrated Database

Installing Reporting and Monitoring Server

How to install Reporting and Monitoring Server after Retain has been installed.

Post Install Items

Once you have upgraded Retain also install the software patches.

For more information browse to our support page or give us a call.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2513.