What's New in Version 7.7?
This release includes the previous 7.6 Service Pack 1 updates (described in KB 7021310), plus the following new updates:
Key Features
- Web Services REST Support: Web Services, previously available through a SOAP interface, are now also available through REST, which uses the lightweight JSON protocol preferred by many web developers. The following table compares the Web Services types and URL options to access them.
Type | What is it? | Data exchange | Services for your VHI model procedures |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | XML within HTTP | http://yourvhiserver:9680/vhi-ws |
REST | Representational State Transfer | JSON protocol | http://yourvhiserver:9680/vhi-rs |
- New APIs to support migration from other Attachmate products:
Programs developed to use COM interfaces to access 3270 sessions of Extra! or the “EAO” interfaces of e-Vantage Enterprise Access Objects can now use Verastream Host Integrator instead.
Migrating VB.NET, C#, or Visual Basic applications is as simple as changing library references and initializing the emulation objects to the equivalent Verastream objects (E2V or EAO2V). Subsequent API calls function seamlessly through a translation layer.
Significant optimization can be realized through review of “wait” and other settling-type procedures as the server-based sessions operate more efficiently than the traditional emulation software. Some erroneous operations allowed by the former products (such as setting a cursor position in a protected location) will be rejected by the more diligent Verastream sessions.
For more information on migrating your programs, see http://docs2.attachmate.com/verastream/vhi/7.7/en/topic/com.attachmate.vhi.help/html/apiconn/migrating_legacy_apps_intro.xhtml.
- Host Emulator engine updated: The Verastream Host Emulator service, which simulates hosts for demonstration, training, or testing purposes, uses a new trace and replay engine based on plain text data files. VT is now supported in addition to 3270 and 5250. (See sample *.trc files installed on Windows in %VHI_ROOT%\hostemulator\recordings.) Recording and replay through this more accessible format enhances the ability to understand data flows, resolve issues, and test or demonstrate models without requiring a direct connection to the host system.
- Non-root users can install updates on UNIX/Linux systems: Initial installation of the VHI software requires “root” privileges as described in KB 7021354. However, if ownership of the existing installation files is assigned to a non-root user, that user may now update the software using their own (non-root) credentials.
Security Updates
- SSL 3.0 is disabled by default to address the POODLE vulnerability. For more information, see https://support.microfocus.com/security/ and KB 7021975. Note: If your host does not support TLS and you must re-enable SSL 3.0, see KB 7021544.
- Java is updated to address multiple vulnerabilities. See also https://support.microfocus.com/security/.
Improvements for VT Models (for UNIX/OpenVMS Hosts)
- Scrolling area capture for VT sessions: For VT host applications that present scrolling data, VHI now reads recordset data before it disappears (such as off the top of the terminal screen). In version 7.6.1027 and earlier, scanning and parsing was done one page at a time, so data could scroll away before being read.
- VT Answerback Message can be set programmatically: For VT sessions, the answerback message (sent to the host in response to an ENQ character) can be mapped to a model variable, instead of using a static default value in the model. In Settings > Terminal, enable Auto answerback and leave the default Answerback Message blank. In Model > Variables, map a variable to the Device Name setting.
- Model variables preserved through VT model transport type change: In Design Tool (Session Setup), when the Transport Type is changed between Telnet and SSH, any added model variables (such as for SSH settings) are no longer deleted.
Additional Updates
- Web services custom namespace can be configured in deployment descriptor: For more information, see KB 7021323.
- Additional model debug messages (.vmr) recording option: For sessions that end in an error, the new "Record error sessions" option captures the complete session from the beginning, which improves troubleshooting capability. (The existing "Record errors" option contains only the last error event, such as the procedure that failed.) "Record error sessions" does not impact server performance as much as "record everything," since a recording is only written to disk if an error occurs. For more information on model debug messages and configuring the session server recording option, see KB 7021543.
- Administrative Console no longer accepts certain invalid values: In Session Server Properties > General > Model Debug, entered values are validated against acceptable ranges for Time threshold (0-365 days), Space threshold (0-2000 MB), and Cache size (100-5000 KB). In previous versions, invalid values would cause a reset of the session server configuration (sesssrvr.config file).
Obtaining Your Product Update
Customers with a current maintenance plan are eligible to download Verastream Host Integrator updates from Attachmate Downloads: https://download.attachmate.com/Upgrades/.
For more information on using Attachmate Downloads, see KB 7021965.
Note: The product download is a full product package that can be used for new installations or to upgrade existing installations.
Installing Your Product Update
For more information about installing the update on an existing installation, refer to the appropriate Technical Note:
- From version 7.x on Windows: KB 7021581
- From version 6.x on Windows: KB 7021552
- From version 7.1.x on Linux or Solaris: KB 7021586
- From version 7.0 on Linux, Solaris, or AIX: KB 7021582
- From version 6.x on Linux, Solaris, or AIX: KB 7021551