My archive job is reporting an error on one user's mailbox, "Item is in a container parallel to the root". What is causing this?
We have seen a few causes so far:
- The profile (Miscellaneous tab) is set to include shared folders "All" instead of just "Owned by Mailbox".
- The item we are trying to archive has attached forwarded email icons; however, when trying to open those forwarded messages from the message containing them, the forwarded message no longer exists. Instead, we get a New Mail window.
- Retain reports in the Worker log that the folder is corrupted.
The fix for scenario #1 is to change the profile to only include shared folders owned by the mailbox.
The fix for scenario #2 is to advance the retention flag at least one hour beyond the date/time of the item with the missing forwarded email messages and remove the the item from the mailbox, including emptying it from the trash.
The fix for scenario #3 is to run GWCheck on the user's mailbox. First try the action "Analyze/Fix Databases", selecting the user and message database with the options of "Structure", "Contents", and "Fix problems". If that still does not resolve it, run GWCheck again and select the action, "Rebuild Database", selecting only the user database.
Sometimes you cannot see the item that has the issue in the Worker log because it errors out before mentioning which folder it is on or the item it was processing; thus, you may have to run a job just on that mailbox while enabling a SOAP trace on the GroupWise POA. See also, "SOAP Trace Reading Basics".