How to transition from journaling to rolling in-place hold for Exchange archiving

  • 7019131
  • 06-Jan-2016
  • 07-Aug-2017


Exchange Module


With Microsoft moving away from journaling how do we transition to relying on archiving the Recoverable Items folder in conjunction with rolling In-place holds on our Exchange system?


There are changes you will have to make in Exchange and Retain to make this transition go as smoothly as possible.

Mandatory Exchange Tasks:

  • Enable Rolling In-Place Hold
    • Set up Rolling In-Place Holds on your Exchange system. There are two kinds of holds Exchange provides: In-Place and Litigation holds
    • In-Place holds allow for more flexibility but a Litigation hold will work as well for our purposes. To make it rolling you limit the time period that the hold lasts. We recommend a minumum of 90 days
    • You can test that the hold is properly enabled by going into Outlook or OWA and deleting an item, going into the recoverable items dialog and attempting to purge the item. It should end up in the Purges folder which the user cannot see but Retain can. So you will need to run an archive job against it to see it within Search Messages in Retain
    • In Exchange 2010 you would want to enable Single Item Recovery which allows you to set a rolling duration for holding deleted items.
      • Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -SingleItemRecoveryEnabled $true -RetainDeletedItemsFor 90
  • Disable Journal Rule in Exchange
    • Once the rolling in-place hold is enabled, you can disable the journal rule in Exchange.

Recommended Exchange Tasks:

Mandatory Retain Tasks:

  • Create New Profile
    • The primary option to enable is Profile/Miscellaneous/"Include user's recoverable items". With this option enabled Retain will dredge each users recoverable items folder and all items and folders inside it, except the logs found in the Audits subfolder.

See Also:
You should also review the knowledgebase articles:

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2700.