Exchange 2010
Journal Mailboxes
I have a Journal mailbox that Exchange can no longer work with due to its size. Retain is not able to archive from it, so how do I get the items out of the bloated mailbox and get them into a new Journal mailbox chunks at a time?
This solution was provided as a courtesy from one of GWAVA's customers using Retain with Exchange 2010. GWAVA cannot support this or answer questions about it; again, it is provided as a courtesy to at least point you in the right direction.
- Exchange Export/Import Service Account: ExchangeServiceAccount
- Password: NeverExpires
- AD Security Group Memberships:
- Discovery Management
- Exchange All Hosted Organizations
- Exchange Servers
- Exchange Trusted Subsystem
- Exchange Windows Permissions
- Mailbox Import Export
- Recipient Management
- ExchangeServer: Execution Point for Export and Import PS1 Code with at least Local Admin Security on that server.
- PS1-PST Folder: On the Exchange Server to be used for PS1 Code Execution and PST File creation by an Export then Import to an Exchange Mailbox.
- Enable “Recipient Management†and “Discovery Mailbox†Roles using the Exchange Management Shell
- Add-RoleGroupMember "Recipient Management" -Member ExchangeServiceAccount
- Add-RoleGroupMember "Discovery Mailbox" -Member ExchangeServiceAccount
Script to Export
This script exports the data from the bloated Journal mailbox into a PST file. You'll want to take it in chucks - perhaps one day at a time, depending on how bloated your Journal mailbox is.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
#The script is dot sourced here
. $env:ExchangeInstallPath\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -AdminAuditLogEnabled $False
#-"Greater Than" date listed as MM/DD/YYYY
$GT = "[date]"
#-"Less Than" date listed as MM/DD/YYYY
$LT = "[date]"
New-MailboxExportRequest -Name [mailbox export request name of your choosing] -Mailbox[Bloated Journal Mailbox Name] -MRSServer[CAS Server Name].[Domain Container].[Domain Container] -ContentFilter {(Received -GT '$GT') -and Received -LT '$LT')} -FilePath [folder path]\[pst filename you want to create].pst
Script to Import
This script imports the data from the export file created above.
New-MailboxImportRequest -BadItemLimit 100 -AcceptLargeDataLoss -Name [mailbox import request name of your choosing] -Mailbox [New Journal Mailbox Name] -MRSServer [CAS Server Name].[Domain Container].[Domain Container] -FilePath [folder path]\[pst filename created during the export].pst
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2446.