Useful Troubleshooting Tools for Windows Servers

  • 7019128
  • 12-Nov-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017




Utilities that should be installed on a Windows Retain server for troubleshooting purposes.


To make troubleshooting Retain on a Windows server easier it is recommeneded that you install some programs that will make a big difference.

Baretail:  This program allows you to follow a log as it is populated in real-time.

Notepad++: A text editor that allows you to easily open log files when they become to large for Notepad.

WinSCP:  An FTP program you can use to send logs to our ftp site

WinDirStat: Let's you find out how big the directories on your server are.

RAMMap: A MS tool that shows how windows is assigning physical RAM.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2655.