Upgrading to EXTRA! X-treme 9.x: Overview

  • 7021375
  • 09-Nov-2006
  • 02-Mar-2018


EXTRA! X-treme version 9.x


This technical note gives a brief overview about upgrading to EXTRA! X-treme 9.x, provides a link to the EXTRA! X-treme 9.x upgrade executable (available to maintained customers only), and provides links to additional upgrading resources.


Upgrading Overview

As a best practice, consider logging in using a "system" or "admin" account on the machine for the upgrade process. By logging on using a different account, during the upgrade process you will preserve the user-specific configuration settings, for example, HLLAPI Shortname associations and other configuration values stored in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section of the Windows Registry.

When you install EXTRA! X-treme 9.x, it detects and upgrades these earlier versions of EXTRA! automatically:

EXTRA! X-treme version 8.0 or higher
myEXTRA! Enterprise version 7.1 or higher

If, however, you want to choose a different User Data Location (for user configuration files) during setup, you should perform a manual upgrade so that you can retain your user configuration files. For more information, see KB 7021889.

If you are upgrading from EXTRA! Personal Client Version 6.x, see KB 7021890.

Obtaining EXTRA! X-treme 9.x

The latest version of EXTRA! X-treme is available in the Attachmate Download Library to maintained customers: https://support.microfocus.com/downloads/.

Note: Beginning in version 9.1, installation does not prompt for an access code.

For more information about logging into and using the Attachmate Download Library web site, see KB 7021965.

Additional Information

EXTRA! documentation is available on the Attachmate Support site at https://support.microfocus.com/manuals/extra.html.

To review the EXTRA! 9.3 New Features and Release Notes, see KB 7021710.

Legacy KB ID

This article was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 2154.