Reload (all versions)
I am not able to reach the web interface for Reload. How can I fix this?
There are several possibilities that could explain the lack of access to the web interface. The most common problems are:
1) The Reload daemon is not running.
1) The Reload daemon is not running.
To check the daemon’s status and start, stop or restart it, follow the instructions here: Commands for the Reload Daemon.2) The local firewall is blocking access.
You will want to check the firewall on the Linux machine that is running Reload. If you have not put in an exception for port 5555, then access to the web interface could be blocked. For instructions on making that change, look here: Modify the Firewall to Allow Access to the Reload Web Interface.3) The web interface is secured.
If you have chosen to secure the web interface, then you need to use https in the url instead of http. It will not automatically convert, so you have to input it manually.If the problem is not one of these issues, then there could be something wrong with the Reload installation. In that case, you will want to contact support for further assistance.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1355.