The fastest and most effective way to gather samples of Ham is through Conversation Tracking. Conversation Tracking allows GWAVA4 to recognize repeated interactions between internal users and their common contacts. When an internal user sends an email to an external user a conversation is initiated and repeated interactions between those two users are tracked. Before the conversation between those users is considered trusted, there must be two outbound messages sent by the internal user to the external user and two inbound messages sent by the external user to the internal user. Once a trusted conversation has been established, any future messages between those users can be added to your ham corpus and GWAVA can bypass the Antispam scan for that message.
These options can be set in your Configuration Manager under Server/Scanner Management --> [your server] --> Manage Scanners --> [your scanner] --> Scanning Configuration --> Antispam --> Non-Spam Autolearn. Click on 'Conversation Tracking' to expand the options and select the 'Enable Conversation Tracking Service' checkbox to make Conversation Tracking active. For new installs, Conversation Tracking is active by default.
You also have two options here: 'Automatic whitelisting for tracked conversations' and 'Automatic training from tracked conversations'. We recommend leaving both options enabled, since Conversation Tracking is a highly accurate source of ham.
Note: you MUST have outbound scanning enabled for Conversation Tracking to work. See for more information: https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020528
See also these related articles:
Best Training Practices - https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020527
Training GWAVA 4 - https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020526
Outbound Scanning for GWAVA4(build 103 to 104)- https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020528
Outbound Scanning for GWAVA4(build 106 or later)-https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020512