Retain 3.x
Retain 4.x
- Jobs are not archiving all items
- Insufficient diagnostics in RetainWorker log
- How to create a SOAP trace to see the entire communication between the Retain Worker and the GroupWise POA
- How to avoid having to enable SOAP tracing on the POA itself (preferable to do it from the Retain side)
Linux: Edit /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainWorker/WEB-INF/classes/config/attachment.properties
Windows: Edit C:\Program Files\Beginfinite\retain\RetainWorker/WEB-INF/classes/config/attachment.properties
- Add (or edit if it already exists) the following line
- gw.soap.debug.messages=1
- Save changes and restart Tomcat (see TID 7019531)
- When the job is started, there may be a SOAP trace file for every mailbox processed
- Depending on the version of Retain in use, the SOAP trace logs will be in a temp directory off the Retain logs directory (see TID 7019349) or can be found by searching the current RetainWorker log for Created SOAP trace file...here
- e.g. (Linux)
# cat /opt/beginfinite/retain/tomcat/logs/RetainWorker.2019-06-27.log | grep 'Created SOAP trace file'
11:10:28, 237[RTWQuartzScheduler_Archive_Worker-1] [INFO ] com.gwava.gweasysoap.handler.GWMessageHandler: Created SOAP trace file...here: /var/cache/retain-tomcat/temp/soap8078558182316209823.log - See also TID 7020676 - SOAP Trace Reading Basics
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2353.