Failed when registering a framework agent - Master TID

  • 7017967
  • 22-Aug-2016
  • 14-Feb-2019


NetIQ Privileged Account Manager


Failed to register an unregistered framework agent with the framework manager.
Unable to successfully register a newly created agent.
Privileged Account Manager (PAM) Agent is not registering with the manager.
After creating a host entry in the Hosts Console and registering the agent with the framework manager, the agent reports as unregistered in the Hosts Console.


There can be several reasons why an agent would fail to register with the framework manager. Please examine the unifid.log on the agent server and the manager server for further details.

Note: It is possible for network configuration or communication issues to be causing failed registration (i.e. time is not synchronized, failed DNS lookups, firewall blocking port, etc.).

  • TID 7017636 - "500 Unauthorized service registration" during framework agent registration.

  • TID 7017635 - "Failed to connect" during framework agent registration.

  • TID 7016996 - Server status appears as "offline" in Hosts Console.

Additional Information

If none of the above scenarios are found to be the cause of the failed registration, please refer to TID 7017968 - How to re-register a framework agent.