Novell GroupWise Mobility Service
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
How to update Mobility with a preferred domain name change from GroupWise
GW users received a new internet domain address (user emails have now all changed)
How to update Mobility's Global Address List (GAL) and configure devices' FROM field
GW users received a new internet domain address (user emails have now all changed)
How to update Mobility's Global Address List (GAL) and configure devices' FROM field
Configure the new preferred internet domain in GroupWise:
See TID 7016446 - How to configure a new preferred Internet Domain while retaining the old
Note: Once the Global Address Book appears correct with the updated email addresses, proceed below to update the contact information stored in Mobility.
Sync the email address changes from GroupWise to Mobility:
See TID 7016446 - How to configure a new preferred Internet Domain while retaining the old
Note: Once the Global Address Book appears correct with the updated email addresses, proceed below to update the contact information stored in Mobility.
Sync the email address changes from GroupWise to Mobility:
- Follow this TID to rebuild the GAL:
TID 7015099 - How to rebuild the Global Address List (GAL) on the Mobility server.
Note: Now all contacts should be updated with the new domain address as it pulls this information from GroupWise. Domain addresses found in the Personal Address Books and Frequent Contacts will likely not be updated.
- Devices were configured for a specific email address by users and thus when sending mail from these devices the FROM field will still be the old domain address. The user must edit their account and update the send address manually on the device.