ZENworks Configuration Management 2020
ZENworks Configuration Management 2017
ZENworks Configuration Management 11
ZENworks Configuration Management 11
Debug logs ZENworks Configuration Management
References to %ZENWORKS_HOME% in this document refer to the following paths:
Windows (this is the default path, but can be changed during installation):
Windows 32 bit OS: C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks
Windows 64 bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks
Linux or Mac: /opt/novell/zenworks
Component Name: zac zeninfo
Includes logs, config info etc for ZENworks agent or server.
Includes logs, config info etc for ZENworks agent or server.
By default copies zeninfo*.zip to:
Linux: /tmp
Windows: %TEMP%
Component Name: Adaptive Agent
Path to Service Executable:
novell-zenworks-xplatzmd or novell-zenworks-xplatzmd.service
Enable Debugging:
From ZCC:
Device Details / Settings / Device Management / Local Device Logging
ZENworks Icon Properties > Logging > Log Messages if Severity is > Debug and Above
Log Location:
Linux or Mac:
Linux or Mac optional wire logging: zac set CaptureAxis2Logs true
Agent ZENThread logging (use only as requested by support)
Enable Debugging:
Set system environment variable: ZMD_THREAD_POOL_DEBUG=1 reboot.
Log Location: zmd-messages.log
Component Name: Bundles
- Obtain the zcc.log, services-messages.* and loader-messages.* logs from the primary server.
- Obtain the zeninfo from the managed device (see Adaptive Agent).
- Obtain the bundle configuration data by exporting the bundle into xml file using ZCC or "zman betf -c <bundle_name> <filename_to_export>"
Linux Bundles:
/var/log/zmd-satbackend.log This log only deals with actions taken by the Agent to install an RPM. It also shows the communication that happens (essentially API Calls) between the Agent and SATLIB. SATLIB is an interface to RPM which actually does the install.
Component Name: ZCC Helper - 2017
Device running ZCC:
Server logs:
Component Name: xplat agent startup
Component Name: Adaptive Agent Uninstall
Log Location:
zesm components also log to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Novell\ZES\
C:\Users\All Users\Application Data\Novell\ZES
C:\Users\All Users\Application Data\Novell\ZES
Component Name: Passive Authentication - ZenNotify
Log Location (older versions):
Log Location (newer versions):
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\ZenNotify.log and ZenCredentialProvider*.log
Component Name: Authentication - ZenLgn
Log Location (older versions):
Log Location (newer versions):
Component Name: Authentication - CASA server
Embedded CASA - Standard ZENworks port (eg: 443):
Enable Debugging:
instructions in:
(2020 update 1 and later):
Windows: ZENWORKS_HOME\share\tomcat\conf\log4j2.properties
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/log4j2.properties
Log Location specified in log4j2.properties: log4j2.appender.RootAppender.File
ats.log and ats.trace
Component Name: Bundles
Obtain the zcc.logfrom the server (see ZENworks Control Center (ZCC) below).
Obtain the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\LocalStore\zmd-messages.log from the managed device (see Adaptive Agent above).
Obtain the zcc.logfrom the server (see ZENworks Control Center (ZCC) below).
Obtain the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\LocalStore\zmd-messages.log from the managed device (see Adaptive Agent above).
Component Name: ZESM logging (includes location awareness even if ZESM spoke is disabled)
See also https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks11/zen11_es_security_agent/?page=/documentation/zenworks11/zen11_es_security_agent/data/bookinfo.html
Open the ZESM about box
See also https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks11/zen11_es_security_agent/?page=/documentation/zenworks11/zen11_es_security_agent/data/bookinfo.html
Open the ZESM about box
If ZESM is activated: See Endpoint Security link from ZENworks icon properties.
If ZESM is not activated: go to Start > All Programs > Novell > ZESM About
Click Diagnostic > logging > Turn on all logging (except NOT packet reports unless needed) to debug > check save as defaults
Duplicate issue.
After issue duplication go back to the About Box > Diagnostics > Uncheck everything except System Information and System Event Logs > Create Package
The diagnostic package takes a couple minutes to complete and once completed it will be saved to the desktop.
If ZESM is not activated: go to Start > All Programs > Novell > ZESM About
Click Diagnostic > logging > Turn on all logging (except NOT packet reports unless needed) to debug > check save as defaults
Duplicate issue.
After issue duplication go back to the About Box > Diagnostics > Uncheck everything except System Information and System Event Logs > Create Package
The diagnostic package takes a couple minutes to complete and once completed it will be saved to the desktop.
Note: For individual component logging only, optional registry setting may be used:
Make a DWORD value set to 1 for any of the components below (case sensitive):
Component Name: Database Migration
2017 and later using DB Migration tool:
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\migration\novell-zenworksmigration.log
Linux: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/migration/novell-zenworksmigration.log
Older versions:
Windows: Edit %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf \novell-zenworks-configure.properties
Linux: Edit /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/conf/novell-zenworks-configure.properties
Under General Settings
Uncomment: #Logger.logLevel (remove the #)
Set the Logger.logLevel= FINEST or FINE
Under General Settings
Uncomment: #Logger.logLevel (remove the #)
Set the Logger.logLevel= FINEST or FINE
(other log levels to set are CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE ,FINE, FINEST Default is INFO)
After the log level is set run the Database Migration tool
Log Location:
Windows: %ZENworks home%\logs\novell-zenworks-configure.log and DBMigration.xml from zenworks_home\bin directory
Linux: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/novell-zenworks-configure.logand DBMigration.xml from /opt/novell/zenworks/bin
Component Name: Deployment
Enable Debugging:
Later versions: below settings are already set.
(self documenting xml file. Set to FINEST):
Windows server:
Windows server:
Linux server:
Restart loader service. (novell-zenworks-configure -c Start) will give you the option to restart.
Note: Modify the existing xml file after copying the original to a folder outside of ZENworks. A file called "copy of deployment.xml" in the same directory will be used if it exists.
Log Location:
Windows server:
Linux server:
Linux server:
Windows Workstation:
rootDrive:\windows\novell\zenworks\bin *.InstallLog *.InstallErr
ZDPASERV.EXE service logfile c:\RemoteSvc.log
ZDPASERV.EXE service logfile c:\RemoteSvc.log
event log viewer for preagent events
For Linux servers that use Windows discovery/deployment proxy, additional logging will be in zmd-messages.log on the proxy device (set to debug).
Component Name: Discovery
Enable Debugging:
Later versions: below settings are already set.
Windows server:
Linux server:
Restart loader service.
Note: Modify the existing xml file after copying the original to a folder outside of ZENworks. A file called "copy of discovery.xml" in the same directory will be used if it exists.
Log Location:
Windows server:
Linux server:
Linux server:
For Linux servers that use Windows discovery/deployment proxy, additional logging will be in zmd-messages.log on the proxy device (set to debug).
Note: For more verbose logging of Network Discovery action set the following registry key prior to launching discovery action:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Tally Systems Corp.\TSCensus\Task Server\Network Discovery]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tally Systems Corp.\TSCensus\Task Server\Network Discovery]
This logs more information to DiscoveryHarness*.log
Note: For more verbose logging of Network Discovery action set the following registry key prior to launching discovery action:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Tally Systems Corp.\TSCensus\Task Server\Network Discovery]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tally Systems Corp.\TSCensus\Task Server\Network Discovery]
This logs more information to DiscoveryHarness*.log
Component Name: Group Policies
Enable Debugging:
Windows 7 and later (reboot after setting):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Diagnostics]
- %windir%\debug\usermode\gpsvc.log
- For security settings get also %windir%\security\logs\scesrv.log
- Obtain the event logs by opening the event log viewer and export the logs from the following location:
Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\Group Policy\Operational
Windows XP (reboot after setting):
Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Name: UserEnvDebugLevel
Data: 00030002
Log Location:
Windows Managed Device:
c:\windows\system32\grouppolicy (note: this is a hidden folder). Make a zip file of this folder.
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin\handlers\cachefiles. Make a zip file of this folder.
C:\WINDOWS\Debug\UserMode\USERENV.LOG (not enabled by default)
Name: UserEnvDebugLevel
Data: 00030002
Log Location:
Windows Managed Device:
c:\windows\system32\grouppolicy (note: this is a hidden folder). Make a zip file of this folder.
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin\handlers\cachefiles. Make a zip file of this folder.
C:\WINDOWS\Debug\UserMode\USERENV.LOG (not enabled by default)
Component Name: Imaging
Configuration Files - in these files, the settings have comments to explain their use:
<Debug level="6"></Debug>
Restart of novell-zenserver service required.
<Debug level="6"></Debug>
Restart of novell-zenserver service required.
Path to Service Executable:
Default Settings:
Path to Images:
Default Settings:
Path to Images:
Log Location:
Windows server:
Linux server:
Imaging Agent:
start Maintenance Mode Imaging, and at the "bash" prompt, type
Then imglogfile is created in / (see troubleshooting section of the ZENworks Configuration Management Preboot Services and Imaging Reference)
Then imglogfile is created in / (see troubleshooting section of the ZENworks Configuration Management Preboot Services and Imaging Reference)
also get
Tuxera imaging driver
In addition to all of the above:
SIDchanger sidChange.logis created in /. For more information see Understanding the ZENworks SIDchanger.
ISD update
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin\preboot\novell-zisdservice.log (vista or higher)
ziswin.hst or ziswin*.log (xp class)
Component Name: Imaging (WIM & GHOST)
Log Location:
Windows workstation:
Log Location:
Windows workstation:
Component Name: Installation - Configuration Management Primary
Path to Service Executable:
Windows: setup.exe
Linux: sh /media/cdrom/setup.sh
Enable Debugging:
Windows: setup.exe
Linux: sh /media/cdrom/setup.sh
Enable Debugging:
Windows server:
setup.exe -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
setup.exe –debug (defaults to FINER)
Linux server:
export LAX_DEBUG=true
sh ./setup.sh -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
sh ./setup.sh –debug (defaults to FINER)
sh ./setup.sh -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
sh ./setup.sh –debug (defaults to FINER)
Log Location (xml files):
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks
Additional Verbose Information:
Windows server: Set the debug level and then while the installation is loading, before the first splash screen, hold down the "control” (Ctrl) key and a Java debug console window will appear after the installation is loaded. (This is the debug equivalent to running export LAX_DEBUG=true on Linux, which displays debug information in the parent terminal)
Component Name: Diagnostics/Probe
zen-jmxagent* in logs folder
Component Name: Inventory
Managed Device Inventory debugging:
Enable Debugging for 2017 and later:
On 2017 agent in debug will log inventory verbosely to zmd-messages.log.
For test only if colw32 information is needed to use the old collector for comparison, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\ZCM\EnableColw32 dword 1
Older versions:
See Adaptive Agent for setting zmd-messages.log to debug and above
For specific inventory collector messages do the following.
For specific inventory collector messages do the following.
- Go to <ZENWORKS_HOME>\logs and remove the Colw32.log file that is currently there.
- In ZCC | Configuration | Inventory | Inventory (the location to set the collector options) go to the bottom and check the box for Diagnostic Mode.
- On the workstation, right click the Z Icon in the System tray and select Show Properties. Go to the Logging section and set the drop down to Debug and Above.
- Go to %ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin\ and open options.xml. Change the diagnostic state to True so the line looks like this. <option name="Diagnostic" state="true" />.
orCreate options.txt in %ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin with single line:Diagnostic - Restart the Novell ZENworks Agent Service.
The colw32.log is included with zeninfo, but it is not set to debug level by default. The above steps need to be followed before running zac zeninfo in order to gather the proper colw32.log.
Log Location:
Log Location:
If ARP/MSI collection is enabled:
Test Services:
Inventory file location:
Unmanaged Device Inventory debugging:
- In ZCC | Configuration | Inventory | Inventory (the location to set the collector options) go to the bottom and check the box for Diagnostic Mode .
Create options.txt in program files\novell\zenworks\bin with single line:
Diagnostic - Restart the Novell ZENworks Service.
Log Location
program files *\novell\zenworks\logs\colw32.log
For more verbose logging (use sparingly) set the registry (note for x64 under the wow32 section):
restart the agent service.
For diagnostic (most verbose) logging create a file in ZENworks\bin folder called cps.ini with the following:
Restart the service and find the logs folder ZENumiaEvent*.log
Logging is done to /var/log .
That directory should exist and be writeable.
Log files produced by zenumia are of the form:
zenumia logs are produced only when zenumia is run in diagnostic mode (ZCC Configuration Inventory Only) settings to set diagnostic mode.
zenumia logs are produced only when zenumia is run in diagnostic mode (ZCC Configuration Inventory Only) settings to set diagnostic mode.
Collector: Run (must run as root):
./zenumia scannow diagnostic
Run system profiler in debug: system_profiler -xml -detailLevel full
Install: /var/log/zenumia-install.log
**** Component Name: Inventory Compliance
set to FINEST
**** Component Name: License Collection and Compliance (11.4 and later)
Linux : /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/loader-messages.log
Windows : %ZENWORKS_HOME%\ZENworks\logs\loader-messages.log
Component Name: Asset Management Usage Reporting
create a new DWORD value named "UMDiagnostic " and with a value of 1 .
Restart the Novell ZENworks Agent Service / start TSUsage32.exe if it is not already running, and the diagnostic window will start.
Component Name: Inventory/Asset Management Legacy Reporting
Enable debug: go to
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\webapps\zenworks\WEB-INF\RtrletSetup.xml and change the LoggingLevel setting from INFOto DEBUG
Note: zenserver service must be restarted to start the debugging.
Log Location: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\inventory-servlet.log
Component Name: LDAP Import Task
Enable Debugging:
On Linux Server: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/loader
On Linux Server: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/loader
On Windows Server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\loader
File: dirimport.xml
<Parameter Name="sleep-interval">30000</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="debug">true</Parameter>
Must restart the loader service.
Setting up ldap import in ZCC will log to zcc.log.
Component Name: Mobile Management
See online documentation troubleshooting guide example: https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks-2020/zen_troubleshooting_mobile/data/zen_troubleshooting_mobile.html#t48m4mqi51w4
Additionally, for zenworks-eup login window log file is eup-casa.log, location: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs or /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks
for iOS console log, connect the iOS device to a Mac and use Configurator 2 to get log messages. For iOS see also https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7025096 For Android see also https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7025108
Component Name: Multizone - Zone Sharing
Publisher zone: services-messages.log and zips, zcc.log
Subscriber zone: loader-messages.log and zips, zcc.log
Component Name: NalShell
Enable Debugging:
Note: On 11.3 and higher this is enabled by default when the agent is set to debug level. There is no need for the registry setting on 11.3x and later.
Windows workstation:
Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetWare\Nal\1.0\debug
Name: EnableFile
Data: 00000001
Name: Level
Data: 0000000f
Log Location:
Windows workstation:
Data: 00000001
Name: Level
Data: 0000000f
Log Location:
Windows workstation:
Windows 7:
Windows 7:
Component Name: novell-zenworks-configure
run export LAX_DEBUG=true
Windows and Linux:
novell-zenworks-configure -c <command> -debug -DLogger.logLevel=FINEST
Windows and Linux:
novell-zenworks-configure -c <command> -debug -DLogger.logLevel=FINEST
Log location:
screen output and novell-zenworks-configure.log
Component Name: Patch Management
Path to Service Executable:
Log Location:
Windows workstation (patch endpoint device):
Windows Event Viewer - Application Event Log - WSH events to show remediation
Detection results logs and deployment results log files are written to %ZENWORKS_HOME%\ zpm.
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\zpm\*.state file after running zac patch-scan
For more verbose lm.detection logging for scan see TID 7014131.
For subscription download or patch caching information:
Windows ZPM Primary:
Linux ZPM Primay:
Component Name: PersonalityMigration
Enable Debugging: modify %ZENWORKS_HOME%\PersonalityMigration\app.config
set the following: <add key="Enable_Debug" value="true">
set the following: <add key="Enable_Debug" value="true">
Log Location (When executed as Stand Alone Application): %appdata%Novell\PersonalityMigration\PersonalityMigration\\PersonalityMigration*.xml
Log Location (When executed as bundle - Store/Apply Bundle through ZCM): %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\PersonalityMigration\PersonalityLog.log (this is an xml file with .log extension)
Component Name: Pre Agent Installation
Log Location:
Windows workstation:
Windows workstation:
\windows\novell\zenworks\bin\cmdline.txt(The command line executed when the managed agent package was launched)
\windows\novell\zenworks\bin\pre\actions.log (for preagent predeployment commands)
Once the PreAgent service is installed, all logging goes to the system application event log.
Linux Adaptive Agent:
/opt/novell/zenworks/bin (location of original deployment package)
/opt/novell/zenworks/stage (location of extracted deployment package)
/opt/novell/zenworks/stage/ZENPreAgent.log (pre-agent logs)
zesm components also log to
if previous agent was removed: %ZENWORKS_HOME\logs\LocalStore\PreviousAgentUninstall.log
Component Name: Installation - Macintosh
Log Location:
Agent installation: /opt/novell/zenworks/stage/ZENPreAgent.log
Java detection and JRE link creation: /opt/novell/zenworks/stage/InstallJava.log
Verifying installed packages:
Check contents of folder
/Library/Receipts on 10.5
/private/var/db/receipts on 10.6 and 10.7
Agent packages identified by com.novell.pkg.zenworks.*
Patch management package identified by zpm-module
Java detection and JRE link creation: /opt/novell/zenworks/stage/InstallJava.log
Verifying installed packages:
Check contents of folder
/Library/Receipts on 10.5
/private/var/db/receipts on 10.6 and 10.7
Agent packages identified by com.novell.pkg.zenworks.*
Patch management package identified by zpm-module
Component Name: Remote Management
Enable Debugging:
Device being remoted:
Set agent logging to debug and above with zicon.
Stop “Novell ZENworks Remote Management powered by VNC” service either using cmd or services.msc
In 11.4 and later only one key is required and it's the same location for both x32 and x64:
Path: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM\Remote Management\Agent
Value: a(hex) 10(Decimal)
After the above registry changes, Restart “Novell ZENworks Remote Management powered by VNC” service either using cmd or services.msc
Log Locations:
Device being remoted:
Windows workstation:
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\WinVnc.log and WinVNCApp.log
zac zeninfo is best
Device running the browser performing Remote Management:
In the Remote Management Dialog box, select "More Options" and check "Enable logging"
for more verbose: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Novell\ZCM\RemoteManagement\Viewer\Settings
add LogLevel a hex 10 decimal
11.3 and later viewer log is found in Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Novell\ZENworks\Remote Management\bin
prior versions:
Internet Explorer 7 on W2003 or XP: Current user's desktop
Internet Explorer 7 on Vista: last directory browsed from IE 7
Firefox: Firefox directory, for example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer 7 on W2003 or XP: Current user's desktop
Internet Explorer 7 on Vista: last directory browsed from IE 7
Firefox: Firefox directory, for example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
From the primary server used for ZCC to RM:
from the device's config primary: services-messages.log
from the server used to initiate RC: zcc.log
Component Name: JoinProxy
Logs: %ZENworks_HOME%\logs\zen-join-proxy.log, services-messages.log, zcc.log
Component Name: Remote Management Proxy
Note: this is not joinproxy
Enable Debugging:
Windows workstation:
Location: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks\Remote Management\Proxy
Name: DebugMode
Data: 2
Location: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks\Remote Management\Proxy
Name: DebugLevel
Data: 10
Log Location: path of proxy install \logs\nzr-messages.log
Windows workstation:
Location: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks\Remote Management\Proxy
Name: DebugMode
Data: 2
Location: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks\Remote Management\Proxy
Name: DebugLevel
Data: 10
Log Location: path of proxy install \logs\nzr-messages.log
For more verbose set DebugMode to 3.
Configuration File:
Log file:
Component Name: Registration - Web Service
Log Location:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log
Linux server: /var/opt/Novell/log/zenworks/services-messages.log
Component Name: Rights
Enable Logging:
Uncomment the line <!--<value>rights</value>--> to read <value>rights</value>
Restart the ZENWORKS Server service
Log Location: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\zcc.log
Component Name: ZENworks Web Services
Log Location:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/services-messages.log
Debug logging is enabled through the ZCC 'local device logging' setting in Device Management area of the Configuration page or the device specific 'Settings' page.
Log Location:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/services-messages.log
Debug logging is enabled through the ZCC 'local device logging' setting in Device Management area of the Configuration page or the device specific 'Settings' page.
Component Name: System Update
Managed Device Update:
Log Location:
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\system-update\<update GUID>\system-update.log and all msi logs
/var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/system-update/<update GUID>/system-update.log and all rpm logs
FDE update or install: ZFDE_FAILURE_INFO.txt in addition to above.
As needed, more verbose or axis logging available at %ZENWORKS_HOME%\ZEUS\conf\zeus.conf. Example:
#For Severity 1-Debug,2-Info,4-Warn,8-Error
Uncomment, change and restart zenworks updater service.
Primary Server Update:
novell-zenworks-configure-migrate-csr.log file . Migration of Closest Server Rules to Locations and Network Environment
<log folder>\ZENworks_Upgrade_<date+time>.log Overall XMLformated upgrade log
<log folder>\system-update-import.log Logs system update commands import
%tmp%/err.log Logs system update install actions
<log folder>\pre-global-actions.logLogs information related to the schema update
<log folder>\system-update-import.log Logs information related to import of the ZCM 11 update
<log folder>\pre-global-actions.logLogs information related to the schema update
<log folder>\system-update-import.log Logs information related to import of the ZCM 11 update
also agent and ZeUS logs
Component : Appliance framework 11.4 and later
system update:
prior to appliance update portion of the migration/system update:
Online appliance security updates
/var/opt/novell/log/appliance/suse_register.log or suse_regiserE.log
Component : Satellite
Log location (primary) %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/services-messages.log
Log location (satellite): %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs and /var/opt/novell/zenworks/logs/LocalStore
Log location (primary) %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/services-messages.log
Log location (satellite): %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs and /var/opt/novell/zenworks/logs/LocalStore
Satellite - Authentication
Log location (in addition to above general satellite logs):
zmd-messages.log /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/ats.log and ats.trace
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\ats.log and ats.trace
Component Name: Windows Group Policy Editor Helper
Log Location:
If running ZCC from a managed agent machine, zmd-messages.log; from a non-managed agent machine, zen_gp.log in user's temp directory.
If running ZCC from a managed agent machine, zmd-messages.log; from a non-managed agent machine, zen_gp.log in user's temp directory.
Component Name: ZENworks Control Center (ZCC)
Log Location:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\zcc.log
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zcc.log
share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/web-inf/config.xml debug.tagsmay be modified for more logging as requested by Micro Focus Customer Care.
--Logging LDAP
-- For very verbose debugging of ldap requests while drilling into user source in ZCC (use sparingly as it fills zcc.log quickly):
In version ZENworks 2020 Update 1 and later:
Backup log4j2.properties
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\conf\log4j2.properties
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/log4j2.properties
Modify log4j2.properties to uncomment the lines:
logger.ldapLogger.name =com.novell.zenworks.ldap
logger.ldapLogger.level = debug
logger.ldapLogger.additivity = false
logger.ldapLogger.appenderRefs = ldapRef
uncomment and modify this line:
logger.ldapLogger.appenderRef.ldapRef.ref = ZCCRollingFileAppender
Restart services. The logging is written to zcc.log
To add timestamps modify further to change:
appender.ZCCRollingFileAppender.layout.pattern=[%t] %d{ISO8601} %p %C{2} %m%n
Prior to version 2020 Update 1:
backup logging.properties
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\webapps\zenworks\WEB-INF\classes Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/WEB-INF/classes
Modify logging.properties to add the line:
Restart services.
Log is written to zcc.log
To add timestamps modify further to change:
log4j.appender.RollingFileAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=[%t] %d{ISO8601} %p %C{2} %m%n
Note: ldap logging can also be enabled to ldaputil.log instead of ZCC.log by modifying instead of above:
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\conf
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/
In version ZENworks 2020 Update 1 and later: log4j2.properties Remove # for LDAP Appender Window Configuration settings. adjust file path format as needed.
Prior to version 2020 Update 1: log4j.properties Remove # for LDAP Appender Configuration settings. adjust file path format as needed.
-- Logging ZCC Libraries:
In version ZENworks 2020 Update 1 and later:
Backup and Modify log4j2.properties as mentioned in subsequent steps
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\conf\log4j2.properties
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/log4j2.properties
Remove the comment (#) from the following #RollingFileAppender2 so that the section looks like this:
appender.RollingFileAppender2.type = RollingFile
appender.RollingFileAppender2.name = RollingFileAppender2
appender.RollingFileAppender2.fileName = ${sys:zenworks.log.directory}/zcc-lib.log
appender.RollingFileAppender2.filePattern = ${sys:zenworks.log.directory}/zcc-lib.log.%i.zip
appender.RollingFileAppender2.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.RollingFileAppender2.layout.pattern = %m%n
appender.RollingFileAppender2.policies.type = Policies
appender.RollingFileAppender2.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.RollingFileAppender2.policies.size.size = 5MB
appender.RollingFileAppender2.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.RollingFileAppender2.strategy.fileIndex = min
appender.RollingFileAppender2.strategy.max = 10
logger.LocalLogger.name = LocalLogger
logger.LocalLogger.level = DEBUG
logger.LocalLogger.appenderRef.rolling.ref = RollingFileAppender2
Restart services.
Log is written to the specified file (default is zcc-lib.log)
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\zcc-lib.log
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zcc-lib.log
Prior to version 2020 Update 1:
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\webapps\zenworks\WEB-INF\classes Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/WEB-INF/classes
Modify logging.properties to remove the comment (#) from the six lines following
# RollingFileAppender2
so that the section looks like this:
Restart services.
Log is written to the specified file (default is zcc-lib.log)
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\zcc-lib.log
Linux server: /var/opt/Novell/log/zenworks/zcc-lib.log
Component Name: Dashboards
Log configuration: Log messages related to dashlet data processing can be found in the log files - services-messages.log and zcc.log.
Most of the debug log messages showing the dashlet data processing can be seen in the services-messages.log file and are controlled by the flag debugLogging from the configuration file Common.json (location: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/datamodel/caching/dashboard). The debug log messages can be observed if the log level for the server is DEBUG and the debugLogging flag is true.
Note: The database queries get logged as part of the dashlet debug logs.
Component Name: ZENworks Reporting Server 5 and later (Jaspersoft)
Configuration file:
Install Logs location:
Linux: logs from /var/opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/log, installation.log from /opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/js, logs from /opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/js/apache-tomcat/logs and ZENworks_Reporting_InstallLog.log from /opt/novell/zenworks-reporting
Windows: Logs from %ZRS_HOME%\log and ZENworks_Reporting_InstallLog from %ZRS_HOME%, logs from %ZRS_HOME%\js\apache-tomcat\logs and installation.log %ZRS_HOME%\js
Configuration Logs location:
Linux: Logs from /var/opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/log
Windows: Logs from %ZRS_HOME%\log
Domain and reports Logs location:
Linux: Logs from /opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/js/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs
Windows: Logs from %ZRS_HOME%\js\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\logs
Logs Applet on Appliance Portal:
Location: ZENworks Reporting | Web | Jasperserver.log
ZENworks Reporting | ZENwork-Reporting-Install_<date>
ZENworks Reporting | Tomcat | <TomcatLogs>
Component Name: ZAM Migration
Enable debug tab: Ctrl-shift-click on Novell icon
Log Location: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\ZAMMigration.log
Note: Debug logging is always enabled
Component Name: ZENworks Migration
Ctrl+Shift+double click header (red N) opens unit test and debug log.
Logs Location and History files: C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Novell\ZENworks\Migration
For file upload problems, see Server services-messages.log File [Upload Servlet] for the same guid.zip listed on the migration log.
Component Name: ZENworks Reporting Server (Business Objects Enterprise) -Installation and Deployment and Uninstall
Enable Debugging:
Enable Debugging:
Windows server:
setup.exe -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
setup.exe debug (defaults to FINER)
setup.exe -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
setup.exe debug (defaults to FINER)
Linux server:
export LAX_DEBUG=true
sh ./setup.sh -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
sh ./setup.sh debug (defaults to FINER)
Log Location (xml files):
export LAX_DEBUG=true
sh ./setup.sh -j -DLogger.logLevel=(FINE|FINER|FINEST)
sh ./setup.sh debug (defaults to FINER)
Log Location (xml files):
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME% \logs
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks
Additional Verbose Information:
Windows server: Set the debug level and then while the installation is loading, before the first splash screen, hold down the "control (Ctrl) key and a Java debug console window will appear after the installation is loaded. (This is the debug equivalent to running export LAX_DEBUG=true on Linux, which displays debug information in the parent terminal)
Additional Verbose Information:
Windows server: Set the debug level and then while the installation is loading, before the first splash screen, hold down the "control (Ctrl) key and a Java debug console window will appear after the installation is loaded. (This is the debug equivalent to running export LAX_DEBUG=true on Linux, which displays debug information in the parent terminal)
Log Locations:
If you install ZENworks Reporting Server through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Installer on the Reporting Server DVD, then the logs can be found at:
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\ZENworks Reporting Server_<date> <time>.log.xml
Windows event logs
%zenworks_home%\share\boe\Business Objects Enterprise 12.0\logging\*.*
/var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/ZENworks Reporting Server__<date> <time>.log.xml
/opt/novell/zenworks/share/boe/bobje/logging/boe_install.log or install*.log
If reporting was installed through command line:
Run novell-zenworks-configure with -ddd option to enable full logging
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\novell-zenworks-configure.log file
Run novell-zenworks-configure with -ddd option to enable full logging
%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\novell-zenworks-configure.log file
Uninstall logs:ZRSUninstall.*
Component Name: ZENworks Web Services
Log Location:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log
Log Location:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\services-messages.log
Linux server: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/services-messages.log
Component Name: ZENworks Server Connections
Enable Debugging for server busy:
Warning: This creates many large files so use only temporarily
backup and modify %ZENWORKS_HOME%/share/tomcat/conf/server.xml
find and modify the following line to add debug:
<Valve asyncSupported="true" className="com.novell.zenworks.tomcat.ZENRequestValve" debug="true"/>
Log File:
Component Name: ziswin
Path to Service Executable: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin\preboot
Enable Debugging: Create a registry entry ZISWin Log with DWORD value 1 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\Zenworks
Log Location: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ZISWIN.log
Log Location: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ZISWIN.log
Component Name: zicon menu display
zenicon.log in user's %TEMP% directory
Mac agent: find /private -name zenicon.log
Component Name: zman
Configuration Files:
Path to Service Executable:
Enable Debugging:
Windows Server:
Windows Server:
Log Location:
Windows server:
Linux server:
For more verbose logging use level 4 and --debug to output trace debugging to screen.
Component Name: General SQL Logging
Enable logging by editing the log at:
In version ZENworks 2020 Update 1 and later:
-- ZENServer logging
Backup and Modify log4j2.properties as mentioned in subsequent steps
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\conf\log4j2.properties
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/log4j2.properties
Remove comment notation '#' characters at the beginnings of Hibernate logging lines below # Hibernate logging configuration so that the section looks like the following:
appender.hqlAppender.type = RollingFile
appender.hqlAppender.name = HQLRollingFile
appender.hqlAppender.fileName = ${sys:zenworks.log.directory}/hibernate_zenserver.log
appender.hqlAppender.filePattern = ${sys:zenworks.log.directory}/hibernate_zenserver.log.%i.zip
appender.hqlAppender.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.hqlAppender.layout.pattern = [%t] %d{ISO8601} %p [%x] %m%n
appender.hqlAppender.policies.type = Policies
appender.hqlAppender.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.hqlAppender.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.hqlAppender.strategy.fileIndex = min
appender.hqlAppender.strategy.max = 20
logger.hqlLogger.name = org.hibernate.SQL
logger.hqlLogger.level = DEBUG
logger.hqlLogger.additivity = false
logger.hqlLogger.appenderRefs = hqlRef
logger.hqlLogger.appenderRef.hqlRef.ref = HQLRollingFile
logger.typeLogger.name = org.hibernate.type
logger.typeLogger.level = TRACE
logger.typeLogger.additivity = false
logger.typeLogger.appenderRefs = typeRef
logger.typeLogger.appenderRef.typeRef.ref = HQLRollingFile
Restart services.
Log is written to hibernate_zenserver.log
-- ZENLoader logging
Modify log4j2.properties as mentioned in subsequent steps
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\loader-logging\log4j2.properties
Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/loader-logging/log4j2.properties
Remove comment notation '#' characters at the beginnings of Hibernate logging lines below # Hibernate logging configuration so that the section looks like the following, change file path for appropriate OS and location:
appender.hqlAppender.type = RollingFile
appender.hqlAppender.name = HQLRollingFile
appender.hqlAppender.fileName = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Novell\\ZENworks\\logs\\hibernate_zenloader.log
appender.hqlAppender.filePattern = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Novell\\ZENworks\\logs\\hibernate_zenloader.log.%i.zip
appender.hqlAppender.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.hqlAppender.layout.pattern = %d{ISO8601} [%t] %p [%x] %m%n
appender.hqlAppender.policies.type = Policies
appender.hqlAppender.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.hqlAppender.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.hqlAppender.strategy.fileIndex = min
appender.hqlAppender.strategy.max = 20
logger.hqlLogger.name = org.hibernate.SQL
logger.hqlLogger.level = DEBUG
logger.hqlLogger.additivity = false
logger.hqlLogger.appenderRefs = hqlRef
logger.hqlLogger.appenderRef.hqlRef.ref = HQLRollingFile
logger.typeLogger.name = org.hibernate.type
logger.typeLogger.level = TRACE
logger.typeLogger.additivity = false
logger.typeLogger.appenderRefs = typeRef
logger.typeLogger.appenderRef.typeRef.ref = HQLRollingFile
Note: Ensure to modify the appender.hqlAppender.fileName and appender.hqlAppender.filePattern to a valid path where logs need to be placed
appender.hqlAppender.fileName = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Novell\\ZENworks\\logs\\hibernate_zenloader.log
appender.hqlAppender.filePattern = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Novell\\ZENworks\\logs\\hibernate_zenloader.log.%i.zip
appender.hqlAppender.fileName = /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/hibernate_zenloader.log
appender.hqlAppender.filePattern = /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/hibernate_zenloader.log.%i.zip
Restart services.
Log is written to hibernate_zenloader.log
Prior to version 2020 Update 1:
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\conf\log4j.properties
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/log4j.properties
Modify log4j.properties file to remove comment notation '#' characters at the beginnings of Hibernate logging lines below #Hibernate Linux logging Configuration or # Hibernate Windows logging configuration depending on the primary OS
Earlier versions:
Add the following info to the file (Make sure the path to the log file reflects either the platform of the primary server.)
log4j.logger.org.hibernate.SQL=DEBUG, HibernateAppender
log4j.logger.org.hibernate.type=TRACE, HibernateAppender
# Uncomment the following line when configuring it on Windows platform
#log4j.appender.HibernateAppender.File=C:\\Program Files\\Novell\\ZENworks\\logs\\hibernate.log
# Uncomment the following line when configuring it on Linux platform
log4j.appender.HibernateAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p [%x] %m%nComponent Name: OEM Sybase Database
Use Sparingly only as needed, as log can get big!!!!
Make a backup of the file and Enable Logging by adding the following to the zenworks_database.conf file and restarting the sybase database:
-zs 50M
-zr all
-o /var/opt/novell/zenworks/database/sybase_debug.log
Log Location:
As specified in the zenworks_database.conf file located at:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\zenworks_database.conf
Linux server: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/zenworks_database.conf
To restart the database,
On Linux run: /etc/init.d/sybase-asa restart
On Windows, open up service manager (services.msc) and restart the "Novell ZENworks Embedded Datastore" service.
-zs 50M
-zr all
-o /var/opt/novell/zenworks/database/sybase_debug.log
Log Location:
As specified in the zenworks_database.conf file located at:
Windows server: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\zenworks_database.conf
Linux server: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/zenworks_database.conf
To restart the database,
On Linux run: /etc/init.d/sybase-asa restart
On Windows, open up service manager (services.msc) and restart the "Novell ZENworks Embedded Datastore" service.
Component Name: Subscription Processing - also referred to as Linux Package Management (LPM) or ZENworks Linux Management (ZLM)
Location: /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks
services_messages.log This log shows communication to the database to get object information.
loader_messages.log This log shows replication and download information such as from the NCC, content-repo activity, and information related to exporting a repository.
services_messages.log This log shows communication to the database to get object information.
loader_messages.log This log shows replication and download information such as from the NCC, content-repo activity, and information related to exporting a repository.
Enable Debug:
/etc/opt/novell/zenworks/lpm-server.properties set Debug=true This affects only what goes into the loader-messages.log file. This setting will override whatever the settings is in the zone, only for Subscriptions
Component Name: 11.4 Appliance migration
Logs Location
Component Name: Admin Studio
Logs: Install Directory\common\*.log
Additional Information
iPrint logging for iPrint policies:
Enable the following registry options and retart "Spooler" service or reboot to enable the iPrint logging under "C:\NDPS\" folder:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell-iPrint\Settings\Trace Options]
A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIEjiKnnFRk" target=_blank>

+ Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Core Concepts
+ Managing Software Packages and Bundles with ZCM 10+ Configuring and Deploying Patch Management with ZCM 10