Source Take Control fails: "The file copy operation has failed on file {FILE}"

  • 7920692
  • 06-Jun-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Migrate
PlateSpin Protect



During the take control (of source machine) step of a conversion, the job fails with the following error:

The file copy operation has failed on file <Path to file>
The specified network name is no longer available



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This error will typically occur if one or more of the following is true:
  • Communication between the PlateSpin Server and source machine was lost
  • There was a network outage during the Take Control step
  • The network connection between the PlateSpin Server and the source machine is not stable or is timing out

To prevent this error from occurring, it is recommended to apply the steps outlined in TID 7920437 in order to manually copy the WinPE take control folder (i386) to the source machine prior to the conversion.

Please note that although TID 7920437 will allow a user to bypass the above error, issues during the File Transfer step can occur if the source machine continues to experience an underlying network connectivity problem.