Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0
Security Solutions for iSeries 8.1
System Auditing and Reporting (SAR)
SQL/QRY Monitoring
SQL Report for an update shows statement but has a ? for the data.
The report of SQL/QRY Audit Report can't see the actual update value. It just displayed (?).
SQL/QRY Monitor report has ? instead of data
Random entries are missing from SQL/QRY Monitor Report
The report of SQL/QRY Audit Report can't see the actual update value. It just displayed (?).
SQL/QRY Monitor report has ? instead of data
Random entries are missing from SQL/QRY Monitor Report
The SQL/QRY monitor uses the IBM Database monitor (STRDBMON) to gather data about the queries used. The IBM Database monitor uses a "?" to replace variables. The actual value is listed after the query.
For 8.0, please refer to KB 7754444 (www.netiq.com/support/7754444)
For 8.1, PTF 1A04001 and 1A04004 resolves issues where UPDATE and DELETE operstions were not showing the substitution variables. PTF 1A04007 resolves an issue wehre RUNQRY statements were not being captured on V6R1 (IBM i 6.1).
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB71519