NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
How do I enable basic logging in AppManager 7.0.x
To enable basic logging in AppManager 6.x, please perform the following steps on the server experiencing the problem:
- Launch the NetIQDiag program:
- Click Start | Run.
- Type NetIQDiag.
- Click OK.
- Under the 'Set Trace level for selected components' section, select Maximum trace level.
- Check AppManager Agent.
- Check AppManager Management Server (if applicable).
- Check AppManager KS.
- Click the Set option (Note: please leave the NetIQDiag window open and continue with the next steps).
- Restart the NetIQ services on the agent machine.
- In the NetIQDiag window, click Next.
- From the Operator Console, drop the [ENTER KS NAME] on the server. Once the job(s) has completed, continue with the next step.
- Underthe 'AppManager Component Options' section:
- Select AppManager Operator Console (if applicable).
- Select AppManager Management Server (if applicable).
- Select AppManager Agent.
- Select Knowledge script trace information (if applicable).
- Enter Child Job numbers for the jobs experiencing problems, or leave as * for all jobs.
- Select Upgrade information.
- Select All AppManager Log Files.
- Click Diagnose.
- Click Next.
- Under the 'Analysis Center Database Info' section (if applicable):
- Enter SQL Server Name.
- Enter Report Database name.
- Enter SQL Server sa password or use Windows Authentication.
- Click Diagnose.
- When Diagnose is complete, click Next.
- Under the 'AppManager Repository Information' section (if applicable):
- Enter SQL Server Name.
- Enter AppManager Repository Database name.
- Enter SQL Server Login and password (should have sa privileges) or use Windows Authentication.
- Click Diagnose.
- When Diagnose is complete, click Next.
- Under 'General Components Option':
- Check everything EXCEPTUser.dmp.
- Click Collect.
- Click Next.
- Note the target file location (*.cab). This is where the diagnostics are written.
- Click Compress.
- Click Compress.
- When the diag is complete, the FINISH button will no longer be grayed out. You will see "Done!" in the window.
- Click Finish.
- Upon request, please email the .cab file to NetIQ Technical Support and reference the Service Request number in the subject field.To turn off logging:
- Click Start | Run.
- Type NetIQDiag.
- Click OK.
- Under the 'Set Trace level for selected components' section, select Average trace level.
- Check all AppManager Components.
- Click Set.
- Under the 'Set Trace level for selected components' section, select Disable tracing
- Check AppManager KS
- Click Cancel.
- Restart the NetIQ services on the agent machine.
Additional Information
The steps performed below only gathers information. It does not require a reboot of the server.
If you have enabled XML tracing value in the registry of the Management Server, please remember to set this value back to 0 (zero) when troubleshooting is complete as this may affect performance.
How do I FTP diagnostic files to NetIQ Technical Support?
For information about how to set up a trace from SQL Profiler to further troubleshoot issues involving the repository, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB20647: "How do I set up a trace with the Microsoft SQL Profiler utility?" www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/esupport.asp?id=NETIQKB20647.