How do I FTP diagnostic files to NetIQ Technical Support?

  • 7010834
  • 26-Sep-2012
  • 16-May-2013


All NetIQ Products


To send diagnostic files to NetIQ Technical Support by FTP, please follow these steps:

  1. Access a command prompt and change to the directory that the files you want to upload are in.
  2. Connect to the following FTP site for the diagnostic upload. For example:

    C:\> ftp
  3. Log in with:

    Username: tsupload
    Password: yellow&77up
  4. Once logged in, change to the upload directory.

    ftp> cd upload
  5. Create a directory using the Service Request number, given by the Technical Support Engineer, as the directory name.

    ftp> mkdir 1-#########
  6. Change to the directory that you just created.

    ftp> cd 1-#########
  7. Upload the file(s).

    ftp> put example.log
  8. Once the upload is complete, disconnect from the FTP server by typing:

    ftp> bye
  9. Please notify Support when the upload completes.

For more information, contact Technical Support at