ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 2
ERROR (from zennotify.log):
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [Entered IsNDSUserLoggedIn] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [CLXWIN32LoadDLL called!] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [NETWIN32LoadDLL called!] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [GetLoggedOnUserInfo entered] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [Ought Oh!! We did a successful passive mode login but now we can't find an authenticated identity.] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [GetLoggedOnUserInfo returning 0x00008866] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]
Confirm that user can login to nwclient / OES client manually. If so then logging is needed for why OES client isn't logging in during boot. To get more logging for client, see https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7007070"Computer Only Login if not Connected" and failed to populate "Use Lists for Novell Login" so no matching network was found.