Error in OES NWClient authentication causes problem with passive mode ZEN login or DLU enforcement

  • 7023218
  • 26-Jul-2018
  • 26-Jul-2018


ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 2


ERROR (from zennotify.log):

[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [Entered IsNDSUserLoggedIn] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [CLXWIN32LoadDLL called!] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [NETWIN32LoadDLL called!] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [GetLoggedOnUserInfo entered] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [Ought Oh!!  We did a successful passive mode login but now we can't find an authenticated identity.] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
[DEBUG] [07/19/2018 14:19:32.477] [9220] [ZenNotify] [5272] [] [ZENNOTIFY] [] [GetLoggedOnUserInfo returning 0x00008866] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent]


Confirm that user can login to nwclient / OES client manually.  If so then logging is needed for why OES client isn't logging in during boot.  To get more logging for client, see"Computer Only Login if not Connected" and failed to populate "Use Lists for Novell Login" so no matching network was found.