Request header too large reported when trying to open the Download Filter tab of a ZENworks subscription

  • 7022378
  • 27-Nov-2017
  • 04-Sep-2018


ZENworks Configuration Management 2017
ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 1
ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 ZENworks Control Center - ZCC
ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 1 ZENworks Control Center - ZCC


The error Request header too large is seen when trying to open the Download Filter tab on a ZENworks subscription in the ZENworks Control Center (ZCC)
The exact location of this error is seen when navigating in the ZCC to:
  1. Subscribe and Share
  2. Click on the subscription
  3. Click on the tab Download Filter


This is fixed in version ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 3 - see KB 7023221 "ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 3 update information and list of fixes" which can be found at 

For prior versions:  Please contact Micro Focus Customer Support for a workaround