Reflection for the Web 2011 (All Editions)
Reflection Security Gateway 2014
Reflection Security Gateway 2011
Reflection Administrator 2011
Reflection for the Web 2008 (All Editions)
Reflection Desktop (including Pro, for X, for IBM, or for UNIX and OpenVMS) 16.0 and higher
Reflection 2014
Reflection Pro 2014
Reflection for IBM 2014
Reflection for IBM 2011
Reflection for IBM version 14.x
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2014
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2011
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS version 14.x
Reflection for HP with NS/VT version 14.x
Reflection X 2014
Reflection X 2011
Reflection Suite for X 2011
Reflection X version 14.x
Reflection Suite for X version 14.x
Extra! X-treme version 9.3 or higher
This technical note describes how to configure Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based sessions to report to the Reflection metering server, a web-based tool that is included in Reflection for the Web, Reflection Administrator, and Reflection Security Gateway.
Note the following:
- The term "Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based products" refers to native Windows products, such as EXTRA! X-treme, INFOConnect, and Reflection, including Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS, Reflection for IBM, and Reflection X.
- Web-based management is available to Reflection customers who have obtained the Reflection Administrator add-on component or Reflection Security Gateway for use with their Attachmate Windows-based products, or who have installed and configured Reflection for the Web with the appropriate licensing.
- If you are licensed for Reflection for the Web, you have the server components necessary to centrally manage Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based sessions; however, you must still obtain the appropriate licensing to use the servers for web-based management of Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based products. Licensing is provided by purchasing the Reflection Administrator add-on product.
If you do not have Reflection for the Web, you can obtain a copy of Reflection Administrator for web-based management of Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based terminal emulation sessions. This gives you both the required Reflection servers, and a license to use the servers to manage Windows-based sessions.
- Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based sessions are available only from Windows workstations that have the supporting Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based emulation client software installed.
- Beginning Fall 2013, Reflection Security Gateway replaces Reflection Administrator.
Which Products and Versions Can Be Metered?
You can use the Reflection metering server to audit, control access to, and report the usage of the following Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based products and versions. Note: Reflection FTP Client is not metered.
Product and Version |
Metering Support |
InfoConnect Desktop 16.0 and higher | Yes |
Reflection Desktop 16.0 and higher | Yes |
Reflection 2014 |
Yes |
Reflection Standard Suite 2011 |
Yes |
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2014 |
Yes |
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2011 |
Yes |
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 14.x |
Yes |
Reflection for HP with NS/VT 14.x |
Yes |
Reflection for IBM 2014 |
Yes |
Reflection for IBM 2011 |
Yes |
Reflection for IBM 14.x |
Yes |
Reflection X 2014 |
Yes * |
Reflection X 2011 |
Yes * |
Reflection Pro 2014 |
Yes * |
Reflection Suite for X 2011 |
Yes * |
Reflection X 14.x |
Yes |
Reflection FTP Client (all versions) |
No |
EXTRA! 9.4 | Yes |
EXTRA! 9.3 |
Yes |
INFOConnect 9.4 | Yes |
INFOConnect 9.2 |
Yes |
Note: To meter the Reflection Reflection Desktop 16 and 17, Reflection 2014 or Reflection 2011 products, note the following:
- Metering requires Reflection for the Web 2014, 2011, or 2008 R3; Reflection Security Gateway 2014; or Reflection Administrator 2011, 2008 R3 for reporting.
- Use of the login/links list requires Reflection for the Web 2014, 2011, or 2008 R3; Reflection Security Gateway 2014; or Reflection Administrator 2011 or 2008 R3.
* Host connection tracking is not available for Reflection X 14.1 (Legacy Reflection X), and Reflection FTP Client applications included in Reflection Desktop Pro 16 and 17, Reflection Pro 2014, Reflection X 2014, Reflection X 2011 and Reflection Suite for X 2011. Metering is not available for Reflection X Advantage.
Configuring Metering
Install and Configure the Metering Server
For information about installing and configuring the metering server, and viewing metering reports, see KB 7022336, Reflection for the Web Usage Metering Explained.
Once the metering server has been installed and configured, return to this technical note and proceed with Configuring Workstations to Report to the Metering Server.
Configuring Workstations to Report to the Metering Server
To configure Micro Focus or Attachmate Windows-based products to report to the metering server, you can use the Installation Customization Tool (Reflection Desktop 16.0 and later), the Attachmate Customization Tool (Reflection 2014 and earlier), the Attachmate Custom Installation Wizard, or Group Policy settings.
- For Reflection Desktop 16.0 and later, use the Installation Customization Tool to create a customized Reflection installation that includes metering configuration information. Use this tool to create custom transforms that can be used to enable/metering when Reflection is deployed.
- For Reflection 2014 and earlier and INFOConnect, use the Attachmate Customization Tool to create a customized Reflection installation that includes metering configuration information. Use this tool to create custom transforms that can be used to enable/metering when Reflection is deployed.
Note: The Installation Customization Tool and the Attachmate Customization Tool can only configure settings at the time of installation; it cannot be used to update the URL after your customized installation is complete. (If you use Group Policies at your site, you will probably prefer to use that approach to configuring metering, as described below. Group Policy settings are easily updated, but can not be used to configure the Meter As property.)
- For EXTRA! X-treme, use the Attachmate Custom Installation Wizard. To enable usage metering in EXTRA! X-treme 9.3 or higher, follow the instructions in the EXTRA! Help Update at https://docs.attachmate.com/extra/x-treme/9.3/help/en/23791.htm.
- Use Group Policy settings to configure metering information, excluding the Meter As property. This technique is convenient if you use Active Directory or if you already have a Windows-based Reflection client installation base, as group policies can be used to modify existing installations, and can be easily updated.
Note: If you want to set the Meter As property to specify the products you are licensed for, you must use the Customization Tool. All other settings can be configured using Group Policies.
Reflection and INFOConnect - Using the Installation Customization Tool or Attachmate Customization Tool
You can use the Installation Customization Tool (Reflection Desktop 16.0 and later) or the Attachmate Customization Tool (Reflection 2014 and earlier, or INFOConnect) or the Reflection Customization Manager (Reflection 14.x) to create a customized installation that automatically configures Reflection or INFOConnect workstations for metering.
- Run the Installation Customization Tool or the Attachmate Customization Tool from the command line or create a shortcut point to it.
To access the Installation Customization Tool or the Attachmate Customization Tool, you must have already
set up an Administrative Installation.
For more information about creating an administrative installation, see:
For Reflection Desktop 17: The "Create an Administrative Installation Point" topic in the Getting Started with Reflection Desktop Deployment: https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/reflection-desktop/17-0/deployment-quickstart/walkthrough.htm
For Reflection Desktop 16: The "Create an Administrative Installation Point" topic in the Getting Started with Reflection Desktop Deployment: https://www.attachmate.com/documentation/reflection-desktop-v16/pdfdoc/deployment-quickstart/deployment-quickstart.pdf
For Reflection 2014: The "Create an Administrative Installation Point" topic in the Deployment Guide: https://docs.attachmate.com/reflection/2014/r1/deploy/.
For Reflection 2011: The "Perform an Administrative Installation" topic in the product guide: https://docs.attachmate.com/reflection/2011/r3/help/en/user-html/admin_install_image_pr.htm.
From the Command Line: At the command prompt or the Start menu Run command, enter the following command to open either the Installation Customization Tool or the Attachmate Customization Tool:
<path_to_setup>\setup.exe /admin
To create a shortcut:
b. Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties.
c. In the Target field, add /admin to the end of the target line (after the last quote mark):
For example: "C:\<path-to-setup>\setup.exe" /admin
Note: For Reflection 14.x, replace setup.exe with radmin.exe.
e. Double-click the shortcut to run the Attachmate Customization Tool.
- In the Select Customization dialog box, choose to "Create a new Setup customization file" or "Open an existing Setup file or Companion installer," and then click OK.
- In the left pane, select "Licensing and session metering."
- Select "I accept the terms of the Software License Agreement."
- Entering a VPA number to identify the metered product is optional. The VPA number is necessary for monitoring Micro Focus or Attachmate products that have different license pools under different VPA numbers. If you omit this value, the metering server uses a default value of zero for the VPA number.
- In the Meter As drop-down menu, select the product name.
- In the Metering URL field, enter the URL of your metering server.
http://[host name]:[port number]/[metering server context name]/meter.do
For example:
Note: If you used the default port, you can omit the colon and port number.
- Select "Require metering" only if you want to prevent users from launching Micro Focus or Attachmate products when the metering server is not available. (Enabling this setting can be useful when you are creating a trial installation and want to test to see if the metering server is running and available.)
- Click File > Save As, name the transform file (*.mst), and then click Save.
- Test your customized installation. Because the metering web server URL that you specify becomes a permanent part of the product installation, you should always test your customized Micro Focus or Attachmate product installation carefully on a test workstation to ensure that the server is successfully monitoring product activity on that workstation.
Reminder: The Installation Customization Tool or the Attachmate Customization Tool can configure settings only at the time of installation; it cannot be used to update the URL after your customized installation is complete. (If you use Group Policies at your site, you may prefer to use that approach, since Group Policy settings are easily updated.)
- For information about how to deploy the transform while installing your Micro Focus or Attachmate product, see the product's documentation.
Use Group Policy Settings
An alternative way to configure metering is to use Group Policy support. This technique is convenient if you use Active Directory and for existing Micro Focus or Attachmate Web-based installations.
Note: If you want to set the Meter As property to specify the products you are licensed for, you must use the Installation Customization Tool or the Attachmate Customization Tool. All other settings can be configured using Group Policies.
To configure Group Policies to meter Micro Focus or Attachmate products, follow the instructions in the version-specific references:
- For Reflection Desktop, Reflection 2014 or Reflection 2011, see KB 7021469.
- For Reflection 14.x, see the Reflection System Administrator Guide at https://docs.attachmate.com/reflection/14.0/r14sag.pdf. Refer to the following sections:
- Expand "Locking Down Reflection Features: Profilers and Group Policies" > "Group Policy Settings" > "How To Install and Use Group Policies"
- Expand "Metering Reflection Products" > "Configuring Metering" > "Configuring Reflection Workstations to Report to the Metering Server"
- For INFOConnect, see the INFOConnect Product Guide at https://docs.attachmate.com/infoconnect/ented/9.2/pdf_docs_infoconnect/product-guide-infoconnect.pdf. Refer to the following section:
- Expand "Administrative Tasks and Tools" > "Enable Usage Metering"
- For EXTRA!, see “Enable Usage Metering” in the EXTRA! Help Update at https://docs.attachmate.com/extra/x-treme/9.3/help/en/32211.htm.