Reflection ZFE 1.2 - What's New and Release Notes

  • 7021526
  • 17-Feb-2016
  • 02-Mar-2018


Reflection ZFE version 1.2


Reflection ZFE 1.2 was released February 2016. This technical note describes the features and known issues in this release.

Reflection ZFE provides terminal emulation for 3270, 5250, and VT host types without any client requirements other than an HTML5-capable browser.


New Features and Fixes

In addition to the features provided in the 1.1 release, as described in KB 7021525, version 1.2 includes the following new features and fixes:

  • IND$FILE file transfer support
  • Hotspots: clickable text areas in the terminal display that can be configured to invoke various actions.

Known Issues

If you encounter an issue in Reflection ZFE, contact Technical Support,

  • It is highly recommended that Reflection ZFE users use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. While Reflection ZFE 1.2 supports Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11+, there are known performance issues with IE's JavaScript engine that may negatively affect the end user experience with Reflection ZFE.
  • See KB 7021321 and KB 7021320 for other issues encountered when using Internet Explorer.

Obtaining the Product

After you purchase Reflection ZFE, the product is available to download from Attachmate Downloads, For more information on using the download website, see KB 7021965.

Installing the Product

The User Guide,, has information on deployment and configuration options.

Technical Resources

For more information about Reflection ZFE, see the Technical Resources page,

Additional Information

Legacy KB ID

This article was originally published as Attachmate Technical Note 2853.