Sharing Configuration Between Scanners

  • 7020433
  • 06-Jun-2008
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA4 (all builds)
NetWare and Linux


Can I install a scanner on a secondary server and have it share the configuration of another scanner?


  • In the GWAVA Management console navigate to you server. 
  • Under your server expand the “Wizards” folder and click on “Install/create new scanner”. 
  • On the first screen you will select the type of scanner you want to create and click continue.



  • Read through the information screen, and press continue.






  • Select a name for the new scanner that you are joining. 
  • Type in the full path to the GWIA startup file, and the GWIA path (folder you want to scan with your new scanner).
  • Click continue.




  • On this screen it is important to check the check box at the top of the screen that says:
  • Your GWAVA system already has one or more scanners configured.
  • Choose this option to share an existing scanner configuration



After you check the check box listed above the screen will change to appear as below:

In the drop down box select the existing scanner that you would like to join the new scanner to.



  • Confirm your settings and click install.



  • Congratulations you new scanner is ready!



Note:  When you join a new scanner it will not share any of the spam training. For instruction on how to copy dictionaries see the knowledge base article

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 260.