Sharing Dictionaries on a "joined server"

  • 7019729
  • 21-Jan-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017




Sharing “Ham” and “Spam” when you join scanners on the same server:


Currently when you join a scanner to another on the same server, the new scanner will share the configuration, but will not share the spam training or dictionaries.  The best way to share the spam training and dictionaries is to set up all of the training on one scanner, and then copy the dictionaries from that scanner to any other scanners you wish.

  • Copy files the most recent backup zip from [gwava_install_directory]\vol1\GWAVA4\services\asengine\configs\[config_id current scanner]\backup to the new server and/or scanner folder [gwava_install_directory]\services\asengine\configs\[config_id new scanner].
  • Unload GWAVA on the server with the new scanner.
  • Unzip the zip file that was copied over.
  • Start GWAVA (gwavaup or rcgwavaman start)

After GWAVA comes up it will use those dictionaries.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 987.