Excessive Amount Of Files/Folders In /opt/beginfinite/redline/db/reports folder

  • 7020241
  • 28-Aug-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017


Redline, all versions


There are excessive amounts of files/folders in the /opt/beginfinite/redline/db/reports folder.


These are folders that are generated by the report engine when the report scheduler instructs Redline to create and deliver a report.  They are not cleaned up.  This is so that the generated reports can be referred to several days, even months beyond their send date.  All Redline scheduled reports contain urls linking back to the Control Center to these folders.  If the folders are deleted, the report cannot be displayed. Redline 3.1.1 version 961 and above has a new Scheduled Report Cleanup function.  Click here for configuration information.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1408.