License Error

  • 7019830
  • 23-Mar-2016
  • 30-Aug-2017


Reload 4.1 or higher


Reload is not backing up and agent log is running in Limited Unlicensed Mode, but we our license is up-to-date.


There was an issue with the certificate embedded in the license files prior to Feb 5, 2016. The interface is shows a license error and the agent log reports the following error:

Running in Limited Unlicensed Mode

All that really needs to be done is upgrade Reload and generate a new license from your validation key.

  1. Find your Validation key, it was emailed to you or contact GWAVA
    • Phone: +1-866-GO-GWAVA (1-866-464-9282)
    • Email: 
  2. Generate a new .PEM file from your Validation key.
  3. Upgrade to the latest version of Reload
  4. Upload the new .PEM file to your Reload server.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2777.