GWAVA 4.51 build 8 Running on Netware or Linux
After updating to the latest update (build 8) GWVRELAY is crashing.
On NW getting a removed address space:
Removed address space because of memory protection violation Address Space: GWAVA4 Reason: Page Fault, Attempt to read from non-present page Running Thread: SMTPSend EIP: 0xF5316280 (LIBC.NLM + 0x96280) Access Location: 0x00000000
On Linux, if I run 'rcgwavaman status' GWVRELAY shows it is missing.
This is a known bug with the version of GWVRELAY that was released with build 8. This is resolved in GWAVA 5 and recommended that you update to GWAVA 5.
Here is a TID on updating to GWAVA 5 if you are updating your existing Linux box: How to Upgrade From GWAVA 4.51 to GWAVA 5.If you are unable to update to GWAVA 5 yet, you can back rev GWVRELAY to the previous one, by doing the following:
Here is a TID on migrating GWAVA 4.51 on NW to GWAVA 5 on Linux or Windows: Migrating GWAVA 4.51 to a GWAVA 5 Box Running Windows or Linux
1) Shut GWAVA down:Your server will now be running the previous version of GWVRELAY, which shouldn't crash.
For NW type: gwavadn2) Browse to ...gwava/assets/bin:
For Linux type: rcgwavaman stop
For NW:3) Start GWAVA back up:
a) Rename gwvrelay.nlm to gwvrelay.todaysdateFor Linux:
b) Rename gwvrelay.nlm.old to gwvrelay.nlm
a) Rename gwvrelay to gwvrelay.todaysdate
b) Rename gwvrelay.old to gwvrelay
For NW type: gwavaup
For Linux type: rcgwavaman start
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1922.