GWVRELAY Crashing After Updating to Latest Build (8) for GWAVA 4.51

  • 7019691
  • 25-Jan-2011
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4.51 build 8 Running on Netware or Linux


After updating to the latest update (build 8) GWVRELAY is crashing.
On NW getting a removed address space:
Removed address space because of memory protection violation Address Space:   GWAVA4 Reason:          Page Fault, Attempt to read from non-present page Running Thread:  SMTPSend EIP:             0xF5316280 (LIBC.NLM + 0x96280) Access Location: 0x00000000
On Linux, if I run 'rcgwavaman status' GWVRELAY shows it is missing.


This is a known bug with the version of GWVRELAY that was released with build 8. This is resolved in GWAVA 5 and recommended that you update to GWAVA 5.
Here is a TID on updating to GWAVA 5 if you are updating your existing Linux box: How to Upgrade From GWAVA 4.51 to GWAVA 5.

Here is a TID on migrating GWAVA 4.51 on NW to GWAVA 5 on Linux or Windows:  Migrating GWAVA 4.51 to a GWAVA 5 Box Running Windows or Linux

If you are unable to update to GWAVA 5 yet, you can back rev GWVRELAY to the previous one, by doing the following:

1) Shut GWAVA down:
For NW type: gwavadn
For Linux type: rcgwavaman stop

2) Browse to ...gwava/assets/bin:
For NW:
a) Rename gwvrelay.nlm to gwvrelay.todaysdate

b) Rename gwvrelay.nlm.old to gwvrelay.nlm

For Linux:
a) Rename gwvrelay to gwvrelay.todaysdate

b) Rename gwvrelay.old to gwvrelay

3) Start GWAVA back up:
For NW type: gwavaup
For Linux type: rcgwavaman start

Your server will now be running the previous version of GWVRELAY, which shouldn't crash.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1922.