A Description of Logs in GWAVA

  • 7019614
  • 24-Jun-2008
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4, 5, 6 (all builds) on Netware, Linux, and Windows


A description of all GWAVA logs


Your GWAVA logs are located in ...(path where GWAVA was installed to, default Windows: C:\program files(x86)\)\services\logs in NetWare/Windows or /opt/beginfintie/gwava/services/logs in Linux.

There are 11 different types of GWAVA 4 logs, 13 possible in GWAVA 6.5, and each module's logs are located in a subdirectory on the \log folder.  Don't worry if you don't see all the folders mentioned here.  Some installations may not have all the various logs, depending on the services that you are using in GWAVA (for instance, if you only have a GWIA scanner you don't see a log directory for an MTA or SMTP scanner).  Each folder contains a subdirectory called Support.  The logs in the Support folder are always on full Diagnostic logging.  The logs in the parent directory are at Normal, by default, but can be changed in your Configuration Manager on the Configure Server page.  Logs are kept for 7 days by default, but that can also be changed on the Configure Server page.  Old logs are zipped up each night.

Here is a brief description of each log type:

asengine - these are the logs for GWAVA's advanced spam engine (No longer in GWAVA 6, scan engine changed)

autoblocker - these are the logs for the Autoblocker module, which handles the transfer of ham and spam to your corpus from autolearning, IMAP feeders, etc. (No longer in GWAVA 6, scan engine changed)

gwava - these are the main GWAVA logs.  This is where you'll see all of the messages that are scanned by GWAVA, along with any events that were triggered.  These are extremely useful logs, as you can track any message that goes through GWAVA here.  They can be difficult to decipher, however.  We recommend this article for understanding the gwava logs and tracking messages:  https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7019643

gwavaman - contains information regarding your GWAVA 4 Management Console and configuration settings

gwavaqms - logs containing information about the Quarantine Management System, quarantined messages, digest info and message release information

GWAVAUPD - GWAVA's Online Updater logs

gwvgwia - logs regarding your GWIA scanner.  These logs will show whether a message is clean or blocked, but does not give detailed disposition information.  Primarily shows file movement from source directory to destination directory once scanning is finished.

gwvrelay - these are logs for GWAVA's SMTP Relay, relays digests and notifications to your GWIA

wasp - contains information on WASP 2 for GWAVA (optional component)

agent_MTA - logs regarding your MTA scanner.  Like the gwvgwia logs, these logs will show whether a message is clean or blocked, but does not give detailed disposition information

gwvsmtp - Everything SMTP connection related.  These logs will show when an email server contacts GWAVA either coming in from the internet, or going out (if you have everything configured correctly) from your email server, and the ensuing conversation between servers.  For any appliance or SMTP scanner set-up you may want to check here first to see what happened to the connection to GWAVA.  You can even see some limited scanning results in this log.

gwvapi - GWAVA interaction with GroupWise Mobile servers.

gwvicap - GWAVA interface for Web scanning.

dberr_pg - PostgreSQL error logging.

dberr_sqlite - Newer to GWAVA 6.5, can help find possible sqlite database problems.

See also these related articles:

Tracking a message in the GWAVA logs - https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7019643

GWAVA NetWare Consoles - https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020468

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 291.