GroupWise Disaster Recovery (Reload for GroupWise)
How can I uninstall the GroupWise Disaster Recovery software package, and then reinstall?
Uninstalling and reinstalling the software can be a helpful troubleshooting step for certain problems that may occur with the software. It can also be used to revert back to an older build of GroupWise Disaster Recovery (GWDR)
- Run the GWDR Uninstall utility from the following directory: /opt/beginfinite/reload/ (./uninstall)
- Select the option to uninstall.
- *Type in the command: reloadu
- This will download and install the GWDR Software Package from the Internet
* NOTE: If the GWDR server's connection to the Internet goes through a proxy (and it isn't transparent or for some reason GWDR cannot establish an HTTP connection), refer to our KB article: How to Manually Upgrade GroupWise Disaster Recovery (Due to Proxy or Unable to Establish an HTTP Connection)
For older builds of GWDR (Reload) the command: rpm -e reload or rpm -e gwdr will also run an install.
The query rpm -qa |grep reload (gwdr) * can also show you which packages are installed.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1098.