Reload server utilization is very high

  • 7019312
  • 14-Nov-2008
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all version)


I can't load the Reload Administration from a terminal window.  Backup jobs don't appear to be running, and utilization is spiked.  Zip is one of the busiest processes.


One possibile cause of this could be  that the root partition may be out of disk space.  The log files are compressed (zipped) every 10 minutes into the (tid on getting support log) file, and this file is created on the root partition in the /opt/beginfinite/reload/support/ directory. 

Check disk space to verify that the root partition isn't low or out of disk space.  If available space is low, or completely gone, then freeing up disk may resolve the issue.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 727.