Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4.2
Softdelete fails to purge objects in ZENworks database.
zZENObjectDelete_log Size increases.
select * from
zZENObjectDelete table shows error:
zAssignableContentObject 0
2016-12-28 17:49:35.619778 (NULL) Primary key for row in table
'zAssignableContentObject' is referenced by foreign key
'fk_zLinkedObject_DependencyUID' in table
This is fixed in version ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 1 - see KB 7020155 "ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 1 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7020155
For 11.4.2 and 11.4.3: Contact ZENworks Technical Support Micro
Focus Customer Care for an official Field Test File to prevent
future occurrences of the problem.
Contact ZENworks Technical Support Micro Focus Customer Care
for workaround or script fix for the excessive table growth of
zZenObjectDelete table.
Note: After update or FTF is applied, no new occurrences of the issue will be seen. However, existing pending objects are not cleaned up.
Use the sql query in Additional information to determine
bundles with references to deleted bundles. For patch policy
bundles, rebuild the patch policy and delete older versions having
the bad dependency. For deployment bundles, either remove
actions pointing to deleted bundle or delete and recreate the
deployment altogether.
As a workaround for versions not having FTF, disable Patch Content Cleanup by unchecking "Enable clean up of content for disabled patches".
Additional Information
--What policies/bundles have a deleted patch in the relationship
FROM zzenobject
WHERE zuid IN (
SELECT containingobjectuid
FROM zLinkedObject
WHERE dependencyuid IN (
FROM zzenobject
WHERE tobedeleted = 1))
and what objects can't be cleaned up
--object is in the soft_delete que
select * from zZENObject where TobeDeleted=1