Service Desk Appliance Directory Structure Change in Version 7.3 and higher

  • 7018199
  • 27-Oct-2016
  • 06-Apr-2018


Novell Service Desk 7.3 Installation
Novell Service Desk 7.3 Upgrade
Novell Service Desk 7
Service Desk 7.4
Service Desk 7.5


Directory structure changed for the Service Desk Appliance v7.3 - v7.4.

Service Desk v7.5 is supported on the Appliance Model only, which makes it easier for future upgrades of OS and Application.
Directory structure changed for the Service Desk Appliance v7.5 and above. 

Attempting to back up custom banners, gather logs, or set debug using TID 7017045, directory structure has changed.


v7.3 - v7.4
/LiveTime (off the root) is the same.
However, Tomcat7 is used, customized items are found in a new location,
and Catalina.out is in a new location

To set Debug in &

To view catalina.out go to location;

Custom Banners

v7.5 (and higher)
/LiveTime (off the root) is alink to the added volume. (Example: /vastorage/LiveTime)
Tomcat7 is used, customized items are found in a new location,
and Catalina.out is in a new location

To set Debug in &

To view catalina.out go to location;

Save Custom Banners


Additional Information

Refer to the MFSD Installation Guide Documentation
Prior to v7.3
Affected TID 7017045 for setting debug logs.

To Restart services on the different versions;
Windows: Stop "LiveTime" service from the service manager UI
Linux: /etc/init.d/livetime [start | stop | restart]
Appliance v6.x-v7.2 restart command: /etc/init.d/tomcat6 [start | stop | restart]
Appliance v7.3 - v7.4 restart command: /etc/init.d/livetime [start | stop | restart]
Appliance v7.5 (and higher) restart command: /etc/init.d/servicedesk [start | stop | restart]
or systemctl [start | stop | restart] servicedesk.service
or via the Service Desk Administration Console