Service Desk
Troubleshooting Service Desk
Application Logs
Windows: Log files (LiveTime.log) are under <Installation Folder>\LiveTime\LogsLinux: Log files (LiveTime.log) are under <Installation Folder>/LiveTime/Logs
Virtual Appliance: Log files (LiveTime.log) are under /LiveTime/Logs
Admin Console Jetty Logs: /var/opt/novell/jetty/logs/jetty.stderrout.out
Enable Debugging:
- Edit <Installation Folder>\ServiceDesk\Server\webapps\LiveTime\WEB-INF\LiveTime.woa\Contents\Resources\logging.properties
- Modify line "log4j.rootLogger=warn" to "log4j.rootLogger=debug"
- Restart the LiveTime service: services.msc > LiveTime > Restart
- Edit <Installation Folder>/servicedesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources/logging.properties
- Modify line "log4j.rootLogger=warn" to "log4j.rootLogger=debug"
- Restart the LiveTime service: /etc/init.d/livetime restart
Virtual Appliance (v6.x-v7.2):
- Edit /srv/tomcat6/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources/logging.properties
- Modify line "log4j.rootLogger=warn" to "log4j.rootLogger=debug"
- Restart the LiveTime service: VM Console > Novell Service Desk > Application Services > Stop application services / Start application services
Virtual Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4):
- Edit /opt/novell/nsd/servicedesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources/logging.properties
- Modify line "log4j.rootLogger=warn" to "log4j.rootLogger=debug"
- Restart the LiveTime service: VM Console > Novell Service Desk > Application Services > Stop application services / Start application services
Virtual Appliance (v7.5 and above):
- Edit /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources/logging.properties
- Modify line "log4j.rootLogger=warn" to "log4j.rootLogger=debug"
- Restart the LiveTime service: Service Desk Appliance Administration Console > Restart Services Button > Select ServiceDesk > Restart
or systemctl restart servicedesk.service
Tomcat Logs
Virtual Appliance (v6.x-v7.2) : Log files (catalina.out and catalina.*.log) are under: /var/log/tomcat6/
Virtual Appliance (v7.3 and above) : Log files (catalina.out and catalina.*.log) are under: /opt/novell/nsd/servicedesk/Server/logs/
Virtual Appliance (v7.5 and above) : Log files (catalina.out and catalina.*.log) are under: /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/logs/
Additional Information
Replaced TID 7011278
Version 7.5 and above is configured as an Appliance using the Common Appliance Framwork model with the additional volume (VAStorage) for Service Desk application components making it easier for future upgrades of OS and Service Desk Application.
Version 7.5 and above is configured as an Appliance using the Common Appliance Framwork model with the additional volume (VAStorage) for Service Desk application components making it easier for future upgrades of OS and Service Desk Application.
Log files and Locations:
Hibernate.properties file:
C:\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\webapps\LiveTime\WEB-INF\LiveTime.woa\Contents\Resources
Virtual Appliance (v6.x-v7.2):
Virtual Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4):
Virtual Appliance (v6.x-v7.2):
Virtual Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4):
Virtual Appliance (v7.5 and higher):
Logging.properties file:
Enabling debug mode by modifying line log4j.rootLogger=warn Replace warn to debug and restart the services.
Windows: C:\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\webapps\LiveTime\WEB-INF\LiveTime.woa\Contents\Resources
Linux: /usr/local/ServiceDesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2): /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4): /opt/novell/nsd/servicedesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Appliance (v7.5 and higher): /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2): /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4): /opt/novell/nsd/servicedesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Appliance (v7.5 and higher): /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/webapps/LiveTime/WEB-INF/LiveTime.woa/Contents/Resources
Look for logs in the following locations:
C:\Program Files\ServiceDesk\LiveTime\Logs
C:\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\logs
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2):
Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4):
Appliance (v7.5 and higher):
Product Upgrade Logs: /var/opt/novell/va/logs
Schema Upgrade and other Logs: /LiveTime/Logs (is a link to second VAStorage volume - Example: /vastorage/LiveTime/Logs)
Other Appliance Logs: /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/logs/
Banners can be found in the following locations:
Windows: C:\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\webapps\LiveTime\images
Linux: /usr/local/ServiceDesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/images
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2): /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/LiveTime/images
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2): /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/LiveTime/images
Appliance (v7.3 - v7.4): /opt/novell/nsd/servicedesk/Server/webapps/LiveTime/images
Appliance (v7.5 and higher): /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/webapps/LiveTime/images
Appliance (v7.5 and higher): /opt/novell/servicedesk/server/webapps/LiveTime/images
Stop/Start the ZSD service:
Windows: Stop "LiveTime" service from the service manager UI
Linux: /etc/init.d/livetime [start | stop | restart]
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2): /etc/init.d/tomcat6 [start | stop | restart]
Appliance (v7.3-v7.4) /etc/init.d/livetime [start | stop | restart]
Appliance (v7.5 and above): /etc/init.d/servicedesk [start | stop | restart]
or systemctl [start | stop | restart] servicedesk.service
or from the Service Desk Administration Console
Appliance (v7.5 and above): /etc/init.d/servicedesk [start | stop | restart]
or systemctl [start | stop | restart] servicedesk.service
or from the Service Desk Administration Console
Stop/Start ZSD Admin Console services:
systemctl [stop | start | restart | status] vabase-jetty.service
or service vabase-jetty [stop | start | restart | status]
or rcvabase-jetty [stop | start | restart | status]
or rcvabase-jetty [stop | start | restart | status]
Replacing livetime.jar :
NOTE: If support provides a new livetime-#.#.#.jar file, before replacing the livetime.jar file, stop the service, take the backup of existing livetime.jar file and then replace with the new jar file.
\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\webapps\LiveTime\WEB-INF\LiveTime.woa\Contents\Resources\Java
\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\webapps\LiveTime\WEB-INF\lib
Appliance (v6.x-v7.2):
Appliance (v7.3 and higher):
Appliance (v7.5 and higher):
Backup database in appliance:
The backup database is stored in appliance in the location: /tmp/backup_<time_Date>.sql
Internal Notes
Replaced KB 7011278
TID 7018199 mentions the file structure change in v7.3, v7.4, v7.5 and above
Increase the number of Log file archives (Logging.properties),
Default: log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex=2
Size of archived Log files
Can be modified to some other calculation incremented in 1048KB
Example: MaxFileSize=4096KB and the archived zip files will be 4Mb each.
Default: log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex=2
Change the value from default 2 to value wanted.
Can be modified to some other calculation incremented in 1048KB
Example: MaxFileSize=4096KB and the archived zip files will be 4Mb each.