Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4
ZDC reports wrong column size for Asset Management related temp tables in Oracle database
- Mismatch in table 'LC_COMPACTIVELYUSEDTEMP' structure.
Object type: [Column] , Object name: [ACTIVELYUSED]
Expected: [Name: ACTIVELYUSED, Size: 0, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
Found: [Name: ACTIVELYUSED, Size: 38, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
- Mismatch in table 'LC_COMPONENTUSAGETEMP' structure.
Object type: [Column] , Object name: [INSTCNT]
Expected: [Name: INSTCNT, Size: 0, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
Found: [Name: INSTCNT, Size: 38, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
- Mismatch in table 'LC_EXCLUDETEMP' structure.
Object type: [Column] , Object name: [INSTALLEDCOUNT]
Expected: [Name: INSTALLEDCOUNT, Size: 0, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
Found: [Name: INSTALLEDCOUNT, Size: 38, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
- Mismatch in table 'LC_SUITECOMPONENTUSAGESUBTEMP' structure.
Object type: [Column] , Object name: [INSTCNT]
Expected: [Name: INSTCNT, Size: 0, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
Found: [Name: INSTCNT, Size: 38, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: true]
- Mismatch in table 'LC_SUITEUSAGEDAYS' structure.
Object type: [Column] , Object name: [DAYSUSED]
Expected: [Name: DAYSUSED, Size: 0, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: false]
Found: [Name: DAYSUSED, Size: 38, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: false]
- Mismatch in table 'LC_WSSUITEUSAGEDAYS' structure.
Object type: [Column] , Object name: [DAYSUSED]
Expected: [Name: DAYSUSED, Size: 0, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: false]
Found: [Name: DAYSUSED, Size: 38, Type: DECIMAL, Nullable: false]
This is fixed in version 11.4.2 - see KB 7017469 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7017469
Additional Information
This is not an error in the database, but a problem with ZENworks Diagnostic Center (ZDC) itself. Apparently those are created as integer datatype which gets translated in Oracle to a NUMBER (38) format. So the expected column size should be 38.