Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell Client 2 for Windows 7/2008/2012
Novell Client 2 for Windows 7/2008/2012
Occasionally, a server becomes unresponsive to user access. For example, clicking on a directory in Windows explorer may take several minutes to display the contents.
If ncpserver logging is set to debug (ncpcon log all), the following is frequently observed:
ChangeSSGThread: Total number of threads active are XX and in queue are 1, spawning another thread!
If ncpserver logging is set to debug (ncpcon log all), the following is frequently observed:
ChangeSSGThread: Total number of threads active are XX and in queue are 1, spawning another thread!
Fixed in September 2015 OES 11 SP2 Scheduled Maintenance Update - 10853. See TID 7014420. Documented as:
Bug 920302 - Server becomes unresponsive to client access - KB 7016471.
Additional Information
A packet trace will help verify if you are encountering this issue.
- take a packet trace from the server or server's subnet (for at least 2 minutes)
- review the packet trace with the following filter (written in Wireshark notation):
(ncp.type==0xbbbb && ncp.msg_flag == 0x24) || (ncp.func==87 && ncp.subfunc==34) - in the filtered trace, you will see a number of "Server Broadcast Message" packets, but no reply. For example, the following will be seen a number of times in a 2 minute trace:
1696 server_IP client_IP NCP C Server Broadcast Message
1697 server_IP client_ip NCP C Open CallBack Control (Op-Lock)
1698 client_IP server_ip NCP R Ok
- Disable opportunistic locking (ncpcon set OPLOCK_SUPPORT_LEVEL = 0).
- restart ndsd (or the entire host) to ensure all connections use the same opLock setting.
Note: users accessing data across a WAN link may see a slight decline in performance.