Novell GroupWise Mobility Service
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
/etc/datasync/configengine/configengine.xml configured for <protected>0</protected> with a clear-text password.
Running /opt/novell/datasync/update.sh reports There was an issue with decrypting the keys. Please call Novell Support for help with this issue.
Running /opt/novell/datasync/update.sh reports There was an issue with decrypting the keys. Please call Novell Support for help with this issue.
For Novell GroupWise Mobility Service, there is a patch to fix this issue:
Note: The workaround is to configure everything to be <protected>1</protected> and then to encrypt the passwords and trustedAppKey. If necessary, contact Novell Support for help in regards to this reconfiguration.
- See TID 7015282 - How to install dsapp on a Mobility server.
Note: Once dsapp is installed, proceed with the steps below. - Select Register & Update | Apply FTF / Patch Files
- Select Fix update.sh - cleat-text passwords - KB 7016214, Bug 918694
Note: The workaround is to configure everything to be <protected>1</protected> and then to encrypt the passwords and trustedAppKey. If necessary, contact Novell Support for help in regards to this reconfiguration.
Update.sh still tries to decrypt an unprotected/unencrypted password.
Additional Information
To manually apply the patch, see the steps below:
Steps to Duplicate:
- Download ftp://ftp.novell.com/outgoing/918694.zip
- Backup or rename /opt/novell/datasync/common/lib/upgrade.pyc
- Unzip 918694.zip and move the patched upgrade.pyc file in place above.
- Restart GMS: rcgms restart
- Run /opt/novell/datasync/update.sh
Steps to Duplicate:
- Edit configengine.xml
- Set protected to 0 for database password
- Change password to clear text
- Run /opt/novell/datasync/update.sh