Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.4
Frequent error [AuthSatellite.ErrorMissingConfig] [The authentication server configuration data are missing. ] is seen in the ZCC (ZENworks Control Center) message logs.
Because the error is seen in ZCC, the debug zmd-messages.log is checked and the error is seen there too.
Because the error is seen in ZCC, the debug zmd-messages.log is checked and the error is seen there too.
This is fixed in version 11.4.1 - see KB 7016895 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4.1 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7016895
Set up auto handling in the ZCC > Configuration > Message handling system.
Set up auto handling in the ZCC > Configuration > Message handling system.
Additional Information
Error is logged and reported in ZCC when zac retr is run (and Satellite servers are not configured).
Error does not indicate any loss in functionality and can be ignored.
Error does not indicate any loss in functionality and can be ignored.