ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4.1 - update information and list of fixes

  • 7016895
  • 12-Oct-2015
  • 08-Dec-2016


Novell ZENworks Asset Management 11.4.1
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4.1
Novell ZENworks Endpoint Security Management 11.4.1
Novell ZENworks Full Disk Encryption 11.4.1
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11.4.1


NOTE: This update has a prerequisite. For more information, please refer to TID 7016896 - ZENworks Configuration Management Post ZENworks 11 SP4 Update Prerequisites - update information .

This update can be downloaded from https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=SUBF3bn93tU~ . A readme and instructions for importing the update can be found on the download page.

Version Information
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\version.txt=
Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/version.txt=

GUID for this update:

To verify that a device has been updated to Update for ZENworks 11 SP4 (11.4.1), check the following versions:
On Primary Servers:

Primary Servers platformLinuxWindows
ZENworks Configuration Management Version11.
ZENworks Asset Management Version11.4.1.482511.4.1.4825
ZENworks Patch Management Version11.4.1.49011.4.1.490
ZENworks EndPoint Security Management Version11.4.1.482511.4.1.4825
ZENworks Full Disk Encryption Version11.4.1.482511.4.1.4825
ZENworks Agent Version11.4.1.561811.4.1.5619

On Managed Devices

Managed devices Platform
Asset Management
Bundle Management
Endpoint Security Management
Full Disk Encryption
Image Management
Inventory Management
Patch Management
Policy Management11.4.1.482511.4.1
Remote Management11.4.1.482511.4.1
User Management11.4.1.4814-

ZENworks Updater Service Version
: (This is only for windows)


Bug 896929 Storage Device Control User Last policies are not working
Bug 946379 Unwanted floppy drive access
Bug 898220 40% less network throughput with ZESM enabled
Bug 919317 Unable to Uninstall ZCM Agent while logged in with a Domain Account that is a local administrator
Bug 926039 typographical error  in manual cleanup tool COMPLETE dialog
Bug 946274 Fully Functional 11.3.1 Windows Agent Fails Uninstalling stating: [Cannot determine device's registration status]
Bug 947160 After Updating Primary server to 11 SP4 Managed devices started to update automatically
Bug 938882 CSV only reconciles on Product name and does not do anything with the "Manufacturer Part Number"
Bug 892595 When debug is enabled on the agent ZenCredentialProvider.log, and ZenNotify.log show up on the desktop
Bug 924260 Bundle action Edit INI or TXT file on CIFS share fails
Bug 921236 Could not find item matching id GUID
Bug 927830 Assigned Bundle is not availble until manual refresh
Bug 902050 Registry value broken format after importing using Registry Edit action
Bug 927524 patch uninstalled superseded patch assigned to policy, or unassigned policy bundles
Bug 935628 Prompt User action to support rendering Postpone or Cancel button
Bug 936595 Applocker policy keeps bundle from running with Dynamic Administrator
Bug 943374 marking cert with different sub ca as invalid ca
Bug 945656 Not able to have an external eDir CA with 11.4
Bug 949625 zac iac fails on linux satellite when using certificate from eDirectory
Bug 893204 Audit events for File Access missing or improper table entries
Bug 912322 Database transaction log is growing too fast due to Inventory Pruning
Bug 918359 huge file content are some times not synced to satellite servers during contentsync
Bug 903105 jmx logs should not go to temp folder
Bug 897341 BSOD after drive encryption if Lumension Endpoint Security is installed
Bug 933005 issue decypting 4GB files.
Bug 919501 Not able to decrypt partition with Disk Encryption Emergency Recovery
Bug 937452 Imaging not working on Lenovo T450 in UEFI (nic driver won't load)
Bug 921528 Imaging reconciliation & device GUID
Bug 933559 Microsoft Surface 3 (non pro) imaging error at boot: initrd line 100
Bug 933869 Can't use USB-Devices while booting Zenworks Imaging
Bug 944438 Hardware rule with "Product Name" does not work in ZCM 11SP4
Bug 935418 Cannot view "Software Usage Custom Reports" in Asset Management-Software Usage.
Bug 957692 Inventory Only Agent breaks man pages path in RHEL
Bug 933599 Inventory-only agent on Linux ignores set option
Bug 937084 No inventory after device object removal
Bug 932355 Unable to delete multiple local products
Bug 943153 asset management purchase records incorrect extended price
Bug 904469 Agent runtime enables iptables service on RHEL
Bug 750339 ZCM Agent could not detect hostname on xplat
Bug 913198 XPlat agent default timeout for server ping timeout is incorrect
Bug 924019 runlevel4 used for ZCM Agent services. However runlevel4 is not used.  Options?
Bug 906209 External Service Policy problem when policy name has space character
Bug 949904 German translation for the second fde-option is wrong in ZCC
Bug 957224 ZCM 11.3 Documentation Correction - Disaster Recovery Step 9.c (Conditional)
Bug 957223 ZCM 11.2 Documentation Correction - Disaster Recovery Step 10.c (should be Conditional)
Bug 957225 ZCM 11.4 Documentation Correction - Disaster Recovery Step 9.c (Conditional)
Bug 941929 Documentation of partition based Windows 7 restore
Bug 922809 Unable to prevent access to ZCC and allow workstations to connect
Bug 943159 Documentation does not indicate how to change the Ports used by ZCM
Bug 947858 need to document registry key setting for  BlankScreenFrequency
Bug 954834 [Documentation] Managed Device broken communication to Auth Satellites on upgrading to 11.4
Bug 931368 Non-administrator users cannot run report in ZR5
Bug 943545 11.4 Appliance Migration process should be explanatory on steps and cover several considerations.
Bug 944535 mac agent requirements out of date and incorrect
Bug 950014 need to document DisableCDPRestartIntervalDoubling registry setting
Bug 951062 doc has old steps for updating external sybase
Bug 928219 zac pap slow compared to zac bv due to schedule actions cache used
Bug 929037 log message wrongly indicating that the PatchModule is involved in the bundle process
Bug 930971 patched devices prompting for reboot when all patches previously applied via patch policy
Bug 936212 Documentation - RHEL supported agent versions are outdated
Bug 924094 Documentation - Need official document on what occurs during a Subscription Update.
Bug 924116 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded during deletePendingRecordsFromPatchDeviceStatus
Bug 945688 Device gets ZPM "Reboot Required" pop-up when patch is assigned but not installed; because DAU is scheduled to be installed later.
Bug 941763 Remote control session does not get established through JoinProxy
Bug 920047 Satellite fails to restart Auth Service properly after configuration change
Bug 898616 Old SU and PRU content is not removed from Satellites
Bug 918684 Frequent error seen in zmd-messages.log and ZCC: [AuthSatellite.ErrorMissingConfig] [The authentication server configuration data are missing. ]
Bug 922208 Satellite servers the CollectionStatsDB is never been cleaned up
Bug 941906 CollectionStats DB is not cleaned up on Windows Satellite Server
Bug 941907 Satellite servers the CollectionStatsDB is never been cleaned on LInux Platform
Bug 941204 unknown errors signing CSR
Bug 939323 RHEL 6 Novell Subscription does not download latest kernel package
Bug 946278 11.4 update did not fix some sql zdc issues ex: fk_zQuickTask_auxid
Bug 876142 System Update - Prompt user to reboot not honored
Bug 870432 ZENUPDATER should NOT run if any content SU content is missing
Bug 954093 Mandatory Update for ZENworks (11 SP4) Agent does not register and Primary Server agent does not update
Bug 946151 Incorrect HTTP status 504 in ZCC during Check for Available System Updates
Bug 917694 WOL creates lots of errors within a few seconds of execution
Bug 840948 Username with an apostrophe causes Bundle to Sqlite Error: 1
Bug 949030 Component Manager installs ZPM without language files
Bug 943756 During a patch deploy randomly the dosbox with the title ZENWorksDaemon.exe pop up
Bug 951661 can't set pba on opal drive Lenovo
Bug 933341 Notebook wants to remove the policy (for no reason), but decryption fails. Policy "Hangs"
Bug 912639 DLU policy Custom groups and their memberships not working correctly.
Bug 950674 DLU password written to agent log when in debug mode
Bug 927254 ZCC navigation slow on Patch Management pages
Bug 899722 ZCM Administrator group is not renamed or renameable when the group in the user source is renamed.
Bug 877978 Upcoming Events count fluctuating
Bug 930072 Slow on clicking 'configure' option for a satellite server in ZCC
Bug 913623 Adding restricted ip addresses saves an additional ip address excluded addresses
Bug 930074 Slow while loading Discovery Page
Bug 855465 ZCM advanced search does not find devices when filtering on Primary User
Bug 930071 Slowness loading System Updates tab
Bug 947800 StartZenworks.nal on Desktop
Bug 926254 Daylight saving happens at 2am, but Loader time syncs at midnight, leaving ZCM out of sync for a day
Bug 906800 Status messages are not processed
Bug 935960 Devices marked "isTest" takes long time to refresh - assignments slow  processing on Server
Bug 918262 ExternalReferenceSyncHandler fails to rename users with ' in name and ZCC login fails
Bug 903256 services-messages.log: Failed to get device for UID ...
Bug 914859 ORA-01795 getAssignmentChains for patch policy bundle
Bug 939316 Storage Device Policy - Enable CDrom policy does not re-enable CDrom
Bug 939209 DLU policy can fail because of dependency on zeszid.dll
Bug 901551 zman workstation refresh does not have new quick task options
Bug 888853 zman  messages-view shows all dates as  Mar 5, 1901 12:00 AM
Bug 933433 zman cai throws exception