Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11
Exceptions during patch downloads for Linux patches due to null in path.
ERROR (in loader-messages.log):
[DEBUG] [9/19/14 1:48:01 PM] [] [PatchManagement] [15965] [] [Local File is /opt/novell/zenworks/zpm/repository/SUSE/null/some_file.rpm] [] []
[DEBUG] [9/19/14 1:48:01 PM] [] [PatchManagement] [15965] [] [Checksum is null] [] []
[DEBUG] [9/19/14 1:48:01 PM] [] [PatchManagement] [15965] [] [Checksum type is rpm] [] []
[DEBUG] [9/19/14 1:48:01 PM] [] [Loader.MandatoryBaselineManager] [15965] [] [Exception during Caching:] [] []
[DEBUG] [9/19/14 1:48:01 PM] [] [Loader.MandatoryBaselineManager] [15965] [] [java.lang.NullPointerException
[DEBUG] [9/19/14 1:51:43 PM] [] [Loader.MandatoryBaselineManager] [15965] [] [java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/novell/zenworks/zpm/repository/SUSE/SLES11-SP3-Updates/sle-11-x86_64/rpm/x86_64/some_file.rpm (No such file or directory)
This is fixed in version 11.4 - see KB 7016614 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11 SP4 (11.4.0) - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7016614