Suggestions for GroupWise monitoring, auditing, and email policy enforcement

  • 7015478
  • 05-Aug-2014
  • 10-Sep-2014


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 8


The primary form of communication for many organizations today is email. Unfortunately, not all messages are legal or inline with an organization's acceptable email policies. Evidence can be needed to enforce legal action or deter repeated offenses.

While Investigating Email Abuse within GroupWise is possible, there aren't any tools provided. There are, however, several excellent 3rd-party products that are aimed to fill this need - providing the essential auditing and oversight capabilities that legal, human resources, and auditing personnel need.

Please refer to our GroupWise Products Partners Page.

Additional Information

For additional sources on forensics and auditing, see the following: