Recover deleted mail for legal action

  • 3373106
  • 17-Mar-2008
  • 20-Aug-2014


Novell GroupWise 5x
Novell GroupWise 6x
Novell GroupWise 7x
Novell GroupWise 2012 Support Pack 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 3 Hot Patch 1


Recover deleted mail for legal action
Recover accidentally deleted mail


Note:For normal backup restore proceedures in GroupWise 6.5/7 See Tid 10076955 "How to set up a restore area" or refer to the online documentation. This document describes restoring a user from backup who is either currently deleted, or if you need to restore messages without alerting the user.


Restore the deleted user's entire post office directory to a temporary location(folder names must be eight characters or less).All of the post office directories need to be restored. You do not need to install GroupWise agents to connect to the user's PO.

Note: If you are restoring this information to a temporary tree. If you are accessing this on a different tree, remember the schema will need to be updated if GroupWise was never installed. From the original GW CD and run the install, but only extend the schema. After it is extended, you can then graft the Domain, po and user(s) into the new tree so that you can modify the users and PO's properties to make the necessary changes. Also before grafting users, you will need to create an NDS user with the same Mailbox ID as the user in the system you are restoring. Example: If the name of the mail box user I am trying to access is "fbaker" and their NDS name is "BakerF", on the new tree I would need to create a new user called "fbaker" so that during the grafting process, the GroupWise system will match its user with the new NDS user.


Note : If you are accessing a previous version of a GroupWise post office, that is, 5.5 or 6.0, then you will need to use the corresponding version of the Client. We are using the client to access the mail and calendar items, since we are keeping this restore, separate, from the production system. We do not use a post office agent. To use this client access we need direct mode enabled on the post office, as explained below.

If the GroupWise Post Office was set to "Direct Access" mode or "Direct Access and Client/Server" modesthe user will be able to login to the post office with the client, using the /ph switch. If the user had a password you will need it as well. To use the /ph switch, right click the GroupWise client shortcut and go to the properties. Add the switches to the GroupWise executable. For example:

C:\Novell\GroupWise\GrpWise.exe /@u-?/ph-H:\sys\gwpo

This will force the GroupWise Client to access the post office in Direct Mode. To verify that the Client is connecting to the restored post office, from the GroupWise client do a Help | About GroupWise. If the client is connected in Direct Mode, the path to the restored post office will show up.

If the GroupWise Post Office was set to "Client/Server Only"(This is the recommended setting for live GroupWise systems) you can change the backup Wphost.db to allow direct access by doing the following.

1. Restore the WPDOMAIN.DB in a separate folder (folders must be 8 characters or less) and copy the domain dc files into that folder. There are 4 files: gwdom.dc, gwpo.dc, wpdomain.dc, and wphost.dc. Do not place the restored domain database in the same directory as the post office database.

2. Connect to the restored domain structure. In ConsoleOne, from the top menu options, choose TOOLS | GroupWise System Operations | Select Domain. Browse to the folder containing the restored WPDOMAIN.DB.

3. In ConsoleOne, right click the Post Office and choose Properties. Under the GroupWise Tab, select Post Office Settings. Change the Post Office access mode to Client Server and Direct and change the default NDS security level to low.
NOTE: Make sure you do this from the GroupWise view and not the NDS view. Hit Apply or Close and and save the changes.
4. Check Tools | GroupWise System Operations | System Preferences | Default Password in ConsoleOne. If there is a password here you will need it to access the user's GroupWise Client.

5. From ConsoleOne in the GroupWise View, right click the Post Office and choose GroupWise Utilities | System Maintenance | Rebuild Database. After hitting the OK button, ConsoleOne will prompt for the path. Be default, it will read the UNC Path setting from when it was on the live system. ! Change the UNC path to the root folder of the restored post office, then hit OK to run the rebuild. If you don't change the path, it will try and rebuild on your live PO.

6. Connect to the user's mailbox by going to the Properties of the GroupWise icon and adding the /@u-? and the /ph-(drive letter:\path\po folder) switch to the Target line.
Example: C:\Novell\GroupWise\GrpWise.exe /@u-sblacksmith /ph-H:\sys\gwpo
Once the user is logged in, they will be able to read the restored databases and see mail from the date of the backup.

7. From the GroupWise Client, choose Tools | Options | Environment | File Location tab. Make sure that a path exists for the Archive Directory.

8. Make sure you connect back to the live domain from Tools | GroupWise System Operations | Select Domain.

1. Restore Domain and Post Office to a test server.

2. In ConsoleOne, connect to the backup domain (Tools | GroupWise System Operations | Select Domain). In NWAdmin, choose System Connection, instead of Select Domain.

3. Edit the Properties of the Post Office object, and set the Security Level to Low, and set the Access Mode to "Client/Server and Direct.

4. Edit the user object, and on the GroupWise Tab, change the users password to a new value (or clear the password).

5. Right click on the Post Office object, click GroupWise Utilities | System Maintenance | Rebuild Database | and then click Run (Note: Make sure you change the rebuild path to the backup Post Office location,NOTto the live PO directory).

6. Run the standalone GWCheck, and from the drop down menu, select Reset Client Options for this user. (Note: for GW6x/ 7x, also select Clear Password. This will clear the password in the user database, not the password you set in step 4. So when you login after completing this process, use the password you reset in step) 4). Also verify in GWcheck that the Database Path points to the backup Post Office directory and not the live system.

7. Make sure you connect ConsoleOne, back to the live domain from GroupWise System Operations.

8. Rename the domain database in the backup location to .OLD, so that you do not accidently connect to it in ConsoleOne or NWADMIN32.

9. Change the Properties of the GroupWise shortcut: After the grpwise.exe, enter a space, then enter for GroupWise 5.X /@u-userid or for GroupWise 6.X /ph-pathtobackuppo. When prompted, enter the password that was used in step 4.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10068986