How to change the hostname on the GroupWise Mobility Server

  • 7014481
  • 30-Jan-2014
  • 16-Oct-2014


Novell GroupWise Mobility Service 2.0
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


How to change the hostname on GMS 2 server


Since most of the passwords are encrypted on GroupWise Mobility Server 2.0 using the hostname, it is important to follow the steps listed below to change the password.
  1. Make a backup copy of GMS settings by typing
    cp /etc/datasync /etc/datasyncbak -v -R -p
  2. Make note of the current hostname by typing
    hostname -f
  3. Launch YaST | Network Devices | Network Settings | Hostname/DNS and set the Hostname and Domain Name properly
  4. Save the Changes
  5. Reconfigure the GMS encryption by following TID 7015744, with the hostname from step 2
  6. Restart GMS to make sure it comes up without a problem by typing rcgms restart and login to GMS webadmin
  7. Restart the Server by typing init 6 and press Enter

Additional Information

Manually update the xml files, to remove their encryption
  1. Edit /etc/datasync/configengine/configengine.xml
    • In the <database> section, delete <protected>1</protected> line
    • Delete the encrypted password between the <password> tags
    • Type the password in clear text between the <password> tags as shown below
    • In the <login> section, delete <protected>1</protected> line
    • Delete the encrypted password between the <password> tags
    • Type the password in clear  text between the <password> tags as shown below
    • In the <notification> section, delete the <protected>1</protected> line
    • Delete the encrypted password between the <smtpPassword> tags
    • Type the password in clear  text between the <smtpPassword> tags as shown below
  2. Edit /etc/datasync/configengine/engines/default/engine.xml
    • In the <database> section, delete <protected>1</protected> line
    • Delete the encrypted password between the <password> tags
    • Type the password in clear  text between the <password> tags as shown below
  3. Edit /etc/datasync/configengine/engines/default/pipelines/pipeline1/connectors/mobility/connector.xml
    • Delete the <protected>1</protected> line
    • Delete the encrypted password between <dbpass> tags
    • Type the password in clear text between the <dbpass> tags as shown below
  4. Edit /etc/datasync/configengine/engines/default/pipelines/pipeline1/connectors/groupwise/connector.xml
    • Delete the <protected>1</protected> line
    • Delete the encrypted trustedAppKey between <trustedAppKey> tags
    • Type the trustedAppKey in clear text between the <trustedAppKey> tags or copy it from the file that was used during the installation
  5. Re-encrypt the xml files with the new hostname, by running