Unable to sync mail, contacts, or calendar

  • 7012677
  • 21-Jun-2013
  • 02-Jul-2019


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
GroupWise Mobility Service 2014 R2


Either mail, contacts, and/or calendar items are not syncing to device for specific user(s)
Mobility server is not updated with GroupWise items, phones not updating, not getting any emails, but still appear as synced
New mail items do not sync to device
Most or all other users sync fine
Fails to receive mail yet can send
Sync is not up to date for user
Mail not syncing to device
Contacts not syncing to device
Calendar not syncing to device
Some mails don't reach the device


  1. Repair user from GroupWise System. Please select one of the following options:
    • Option A: Follow the steps provided in documentation to run GWCheck for the user:
      • Object Type: User/Resource
      • Action: Analyze/Fix Databases
      • Structure, Contents, Fix problems
      • Databases tab: User, Message
      • Misc tab | Support Options: DELDUPFOLDERS
    • Option B: Structure/Contents Fix Problems on User using the GroupWise Admin Console
      • Navigate to the user and select Maintenance
      • Same configuration from Option A above, CC the desired email for the results
      • Select Run
    • Correct any issues that should be resolved. Repeat this check until no errors are returned.
  2. Verify proper GroupWise folder structure. Please select one of the following options:
    • Option A: Login as the user account and make sure that the folder structure is proper and all the System Folders are in the root and not buried under some other folder (Mailbox, Contacts FolderCalendar). If they are under any other folder, move it back to the Root Folder. Note: At the time of writing this TID, improper folder structure prevents sync.
    • Option B: dsapp | User Issues | Check GroupWise Folder Structure.
    • Cleanup Folder Structure for proper sync.
  3. Remove the user from the Mobility server (see documentation based on groups or individual users for Managing Users)
  4. dsapp | User Issues | Remove user db references or follow TID 7008852 to completely remove all references of the user from Mobility.
  5. Add the user back to the Mobility server (see documentation for Managing Users)
    Note: Wait for the user to appear as Synced in the Mobility Connector Monitor from WebAdmin before testing on the device.


Corruption in GroupWise prevents proper sync with Mobility.

Additional Information

See Novell Cool Solutions Tool - dsapp Mobility Administration.