Using a Java keystore file to secure the eDir to eDir Driver Connection

  • 7011721
  • 29-Jan-2013
  • 12-Jan-2018


NetIQ Identity Manager Driver - Traditional NDS / eDirectory to NDS / eDirectory Driver


NDS certificate wizard is erroring out when trying to create the certificates to secure the channel on a an Traditional eDirectory to eDirectory driver. 
Is there another way to secure the channel on an eDirectory to eDirectory driver?

This procedure is not for the Bi-directional eDirectory Driver.


Using Java SSL (JSSE) with the DirXML eDirectory Driver.

Setting up the Traditional eDir to eDir driver to use JSSE consists of two steps:
1. Create a server certificate in a Java keystore file.
2. Set up the Remote Loader connection parameters string on the DirXML Engine side so that the keystore file is used rather than a KMO.
The tasks are presented in detail below.

Note that task 1 as detailed below assumes that your organizational policy regarding use of certificates requires you to use certificates does not require you to use certificates generated by NPKI or some other organizational certificate authority. If this is not the case, see Appendix A for details on how to create a server certificate in a Java keystore file using an NPKI generated certificate.

The tools used to complete the tasks are the Java keytool program and Novell’s iManager. You can obtain keytool either by downloading the Java JRE or by using the JRE that is installed by eDirectory.

For more information on keytool see
1. Create a server certificate in a Java keystore file
a.  Generate a key pair in the keystore:
i. keytool –genkey –alias dirxml_key –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –dname “cn=dirxml†–keypass <password> -keystore <filename> -storepass <password>

example: keytool –genkey –alias dirxml_key –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –dname “cn=dirxml †–keypass novell –keystore dirxml.keystore –storepass novell

b.  Create a Self Signed certificate for that key pair
i. keytool –selfcert –alias dirxml_key –keypass <password> -keystore <filename> -storepass <password>

example: keytool –selfcert –alias dirxml_key –keypass novell –keystore dirxml.keystore –storepass novell
2. Set up the eDirectory Driver Parameters to use the keystore file instead of a KMO
a.  For both servers in the eDirectory to eDirectory connection do the following.
i. Copy the keystore file created in task 1 (dirxml.keystore) to the dib directory on the server.  (/var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/dib by default)

ii.  Edit the properties of the Traditional eDirectory driver (iManager, Identity Manager Role, Driver Set Overview Task, search for and select your driver set, Edit Properties of your eDirectory driver).  On the Driver Configuration tab, scroll down to Driver Properties.

Select the SSL Type as Keystore, Fill in the keystore file name you placed in the dib directory, keystore password, Name of the certificate (alias) and certificate password.   Advanced options shown are defaults of no.

Note:  If your driver is missing the SSL type selection under the Driver Settings, then you are running an OLD Version of the the driver.   Likely created with an old eDir driver configuration file prior to IDM 4.x.   It is recommended you install a new version of the driver using the current driver packages with Designer for IDM 4.x or later which will have the shown Driver Settings in it.     If you do not want to do so, then you can copy the driver parameters from a test eDir driver you create and paste them in your eDir Parameters.  (always export / backup your driver prior to making changes on a working driver)

iii. On the properties of the eDirectory driver, clear the Authentication ID field (where the KMO name would normally go).   Make sure it is blank (no spaces or anything), or your driver will not start.

iv. Save the changes and restart the driver

Appendix A

Add your Tree CA's Self-Signed Certificate to a Java keystore file
a.  Export the self-signed certificate from your tree’s Certificate Authority in base-64 format.

i. In iManager, select the eDirectory Administration/Modify Object task.
ii. Browse to your tree’s Certificate Authority. Click OK.

iii. Click on the Certificates tab.

iv. Click on Self Signed Certificate

v. Click on the Export button.

vi. Uncheck the box to "Export private key", Select BASE64 as the Export format, then click Next.

vii. Click on Save the exported certificate, and save the file.

b.  Import your tree’s self signed certificate into a new keystore file:
i. keytool –import –file <name of cert file> -trustcacerts –noprompt –keystore <filename> -storepass <password>.

example: keytool –import –file cert.b64 –trustcacerts –noprompt –keystore dirxml.keystore –storepass novell

c.  Generate a key pair in the keystore:
i. keytool –genkey –alias dirxml_key –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –dname "<dn name>†–keypass <password> -keystore <filename> -storepass <password>

example: keytool –genkey –alias dirxml_key –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –dname “cn=dirxml†–keypass novell –keystore dirxml.keystore –storepass novell

d.  Continue on with Step 2 above, Set up the eDirectory Driver Parameters to use the keystore file instead of a KMO

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