Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.2
Search Messages in ZENworks Control Center (ZCC) > Configuration > System Information > Message Log > Refresh > Advanced, or in the Message log for a Device, fails to find some messages.
The ZCM message searches that fail appear to be different per installation / zone.
This is fixed in version 11.4 - see KB 7016614 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11 SP4 (11.4.0) - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7016614
Additional Information
The number of messages in the message log is under 4,000.
One installation could not find any of the hundreds of 'No Proxy connection' messages when searching on: no, No Proxy, or No Proxy Connection. It did find other messages on the search for: no.
Another installation could not find the 'Unable to communicate with ZESService...' messages using any value in the message, along with several other messages that failed to be found was well.
The installation that could not find the 'No Proxy connection' messages, could find the 'Unable to communicate with ZESService...' messages with several of the words in the message that were tested.