Random refresh forced logout when UAC is enabled

  • 7010553
  • 01-Aug-2012
  • 26-Feb-2014


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2


Randomly, user assignments are lost after refresh even while the original ZENworks login was sucessful.
ERROR (from casaauthtoken.log):
CASA_PwdMech -GetUserCredentials- Failed to obtain credentials for pw authentication, code = -802
CASA_PwdMech -GetUserCredentials- End, retStatus = C7FD0003
ERROR (from zmd-messages.log):
[ObtainAuthToken took exception: -939720701 System.Exception: -939720701
   at Novell.Casa.Client.Auth.Authtoken.ObtainAuthToken(String sService, String sHost, WinLuid luid, String()& extraData, IntPtr micasaContext)
   at Novell.Zenworks.Zmd.Common.CasaHelper.ObtainAuthToken(String SessionID, String RealmName, String Host, String& AuthToken, String()& ExtraAttribs, IntPtr MicasaContext)] [] []
 [DEBUG] [07/10/2012 09:12:48.431] [1324] [ZenworksWindowsService] [48] [] [CommonCasa] [] [Stack Trace:     at Novell.Casa.Client.Auth.Authtoken.ObtainAuthToken(String sService, String sHost, WinLuid luid, String()& extraData, IntPtr micasaContext)


This is fixed in version 11.3 - see KB 7014213 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 - update information and list of fixes", which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7014213