ERROR: Unable to read attribute value; Result = 163

  • 7010304
  • 13-Mar-2012
  • 16-Oct-2014


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
Novell Kanaka for Mac 2.x


While reviewing volumes, some volumes may show "Unable to read attribute value; Result = 163." instead of CIFS or AFP information.


If the resource is hosted on an OES2/OES11 Linux server, ensure that the "NCS:Volumes"and "NCS:NCP SERVER" are:
  1. present on the object, and
  2. contain the correct information (i.e. value)
Ideally, you want to use iManager to verify and/or modify the clustered volume object.  To do so:
  • login to iManager
  • select the "View Objects" icon (the spyglass)
  • on the tree tab, browse down to the cluster in question and click on it.
    the clustered resources will now show in the right pane
  • click on the resource in question (i.e. DATA_SERVER object)
  • from the list of "valued attributes", ensure that for "NCS:Volumes"
    • the attribute exists in the list, (if not, highlight it in the "unvalued attributes" window and use the arrow to add it to "value attributes"), and
    • the value points to the proper volume object.
  • from the list of "valued attributes", ensure that for "NCS:NCP SERVER"
    • the attribute exists in the list, (if not, highlight it in the "unvalued attributes" window and use the arrow to add it to "value attributes"), and
    • points to the virtual server object and not to a physical cluster node.
If the volume in question is hosted on NetWare, verification and correction of the "host server" attribute is detailed in TID 10084498 - Host Server attribute shows server name instead of virtual cluster server name for volume in ConsoleOne.

Additional Information

If the above does not resolve, an alternative solution is to reconfigure Kanaka by:
  1. Stop the Kanaka Engine
    rcnovell-kanakaengined stop
  2. Back up storage-resources.dat
    mv /var/opt/novell/kanaka/engine/data/storage-resources.dat /var/opt/novell/kanaka/engine/data/storage-resources.dat.bak
  3. Start the Kanaka Engine
    rcnovell-kanakaengined start
  4. Reconfigure Storage Resources in Kanaka Web Interface
    Point browser to https://<ip_or_DNSofServer>:3089
For a complete listing of result codes, please see TID 7010109: Kanaka Result Codes
For further assistance in resolving a 163 result code, please contact Novell Technical Services