Bundles fail to launch on user login

  • 7009314
  • 08-Sep-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Support Pack 1 - ZCM 11 Bundles
ZCM 11 Cumulative Agent Patch 2a


Bundles scheduled to launch at user login do not process


This is fixed in version 11.1 - see KB 7008746 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.1 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support

Workaround: if it is not possible to upgrade to ZCM 11.1 at this time, in the interim, Novell has made a Patch available for testing, in the form of a Field Test File (FTF): it can be obtained at https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=JMF_ucHev-M~ as "ZCM 11.0 - NAL fixes post-Cumulative Agent Patch 2a". This Patch should only be applied if the symptoms above are being experienced, and are causing problems.

This Patch has had limited testing, and should not be used in a production system without first being checked in a test environment. Some Patches have specific requirements for deployment, it is very important to follow any instructions in the readme at the download site. Please report any problems encountered when using this Patch, by using the feedback link on this TID.

Additional Information

There has been a timing issue that the ZenUserDaemon process is not yet running when a bundle tries to get access to the user space of the logging-in user so that the bundle goes into an error state.

The fix improved the way UserDaemon process gets started and it waits up to a minute to get initialized.

There can still be situations that a bundle scheduled on user login or device refresh is getting launched when the user environment is not yet ready and Userdaemon actually fails to launch at that point in time. In this situation the bundle would still fail to launch. A workaround can be to schedule the bundle to run on device refresh plus a delay of 5 minutes, to ensure UserDaemon is always able to start before the bundle gets launched.