Looking for alternate GroupWise archive ? Try Teaming / Vibe solution.

  • 7008591
  • 16-May-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Teaming 2
Novell Vibe OnPrem 3
Novell GroupWise 8


Companies often regulate a size of GroupWise mailboxes by keeping mails on a server for few months only. Archiving mailbox items via GroupWise client is a way to preserve needed items. But what if you want to see such a mail and have no access to a computer that keeps your archive ?


You can use Teaming 2 / Vibe as alternate archive solution for GroupWise items. It has an advantage that such archived mailbox items can be viewed via mail browser. What you need to do is following:
1. On GroupWise site you will need to enable Teaming integration. This can be configured by C1 in Client Options | Environment | Teaming tab. For more configuration details either read help from C1 or consult online GroupWise 8 documentation.
2. Login into GroupWise mailbox that has enabled Teaming integration. This will provide you with extra Teaming folders. If you authenticate to your Teaming account, you get displayed all folders from your personal Teaming workspace, among other Teaming stuff.
3. Set a (Windows) GroupWise client folder view to display both, your GroupWise and also Teaming folders.
4. Go into GroupWise Calendar folder and drag&drop any calendar item into "calendar" folder of the Teaming / Vibe section.
5. Now login into Teaming / Vibe account via web interface and click on the calendar folder where you dragged GroupWise Calendar item to. You will see that this item show on the same date / time alike in GroupWise Calendar.
6. Similarly you can drag&drop any mail item into any folder of your Teaming / Vibe account. Once you log in your Teaming / Vibe account, you will be able to open and view the dragged mail item, download associated attachments. Naturally you will not be able to do "reply" or "forward" like you can do it from native GroupWise archive. But in this way you have always access to any older, important mailbox data that were removed from your Online mailbox / server.
If you are interested in migration of documents that you imported in a GroupWise library, then have a look at another KB 7008551 How to migrate documents from a GroupWise library into Teaming / Vibe.